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Sunday, 08 August 2021


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To tie back again to your contest post. This kind of picture is what smartphone cameras offer to non photographers that makes them different and special. As instant as a Polaroid, and as pervasive as cassette film. Thanks Mike.

It’s a shame that all the submissions can’t be put up in an online gallery somewhere. I suppose that’s impractical unless you put them in a gallery already in order to view and select them?

Probably not possible, but...
It would be nice if you could provide a link to all of the submitted photos for this Baker's Dozen together with the submitter's comments -- a bit like Shorpy.
There is so much history hidden from our eyes, personal stories like the ones you showed us that ought to see the light of day for all of us to enjoy, even if they are not the best photographs.
Those who are focused on great photos could just try to ignore the link.

I guess that Richard and I had the same idea at the same time!

I really like both of these pictures. They both make me smile. I can’t help but wonder who won the race. My money is on the little boy in the boss striped pants because he’s out front and his running form looks good.

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