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Thursday, 12 August 2021


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Dogs can teach us a lot. I hope I’m smart enough to learn.

Wishing you all the best with Lulu.

I’ve never owned a dog, I like dogs, but never considered myself a ‘dog lover’. This post was very moving, and beautifully written.
I never met Lulu, but when she goes, I will miss her. And I already know how you will feel.

I was getting all misty eyed, and I’m not even a dog person. I loved the attention you gave to Lulu and her behavior, and the lessons you learned. But most of all it was your writing. Far beyond photography, snooker, diets and even watches ,.. you are a Writer, able to bring out the essence of a subject in a way that makes it interesting to persons not familiar with the subject. Or even persons who prefer cats over dogs .

My dog just turned 12 and is perceptibly slowing down. He's a pug, survived three little cancers and what have you in the first few years. It's a little heartbreaking to think ahead. Each day is wonderful with my little guy.

Sorry to hear what you're going through with Lulu Mike, yes it is sad. I have a rodesian ridgeback that is going down the hill to, gettin older and weaker.

Thanks for sharing Mike. It's going to be hard, and sad. I have a little dog sleeping near me as I type this, and I can't help but think that when the time comes to do the things that come from the hard choices, it will fall to me. That thought is always lurking around in the background. I let it surface when I get impatient with her stubborn little self. All the best.

Yup, they do learn ya a thing or two...

Mike -
Like you, we have an elderly dog who is losing the ability to walk and requires a lot of attention. The care to slow down and deal with the problems of old age has been extensive. But that’s my buddy, my friend, my playmate, my companion. We’ll be together until the pain exceeds the happiness. Thankfully, he is not afraid of death the way we humans are. 90 pounds and he will fall asleep forever in my arms getting a great big hug and probably licking my face. I know Lulu will go to dog heaven knowing you loved her. Bless her.

Your recollections of your life with Lulu and what she taught you remind me of one of my dogs, a shelty named Toby. There is a park near where I used to live in Merion Station, PA. It wasn't a dog park, but a number of us dog owners took over part of it for our dogs and ourselves. In that section of the park dog could play and run about unleashed while the owners, men and women shared recipes, occasional homemade treats, played musical instruments, and just talked. Toby, like Lulu, would not tolerate fighting dogs and would jump between them. Oddly and wonderfully, the dogs always stopped fighting and they never went after Toby. Togy was a large shelty but some of the dogs he separated were quite a bit bigger.


That's an excellent observation about Lulu and the 'getting in the middle of it' with regards to altercations. In addition, having raised retrievers for years--I'd warn that when dogs are fighting for real, you have to be extremely concerned when it's the girls doing it (they go at it for keeps). And don't stick your hand into a dog fight!

Your stories mirror so many of mine. Ignoring the urgency of a dog that's not feeling well usually has bad and smelly consequences. When people question me about whether to spend money on a purebred vs getting a shelter dog--I tell them it doesn't matter--the cost of dog ownership is much higher than any initial costs. If you're not prepared for it, it'll come as a shock.

I'm glad that you and Lulu are having some good days this fall. Saying goodbye is hard and you've had too much of that already this year.

Two things.

I'm delighted to hear that Lulu had a good day.


That was a wonderful piece of writing, the best part of my day.

Thank you.

All my prayers for you and your girl. It's never easy to make a final decision and after nearly 60 years of German Shepherd and mixed breed rescues the one thing I know is that each time the decision is more difficult and seems to take a bigger piece of your heart away. I will say this; you seem to be a good person, and you will make the best decision for her. She won't be able to thank you for it, but when the time comes it will be the one that breaks your heart. Afterwards, there WILL be a time when the sunsets and sunrises are no longer sad and they will remind you of happier times and fun memories. My best wishes for you.

Hi Mike

Lulu is clearly very good at being a dog, and equally good at loving. As are you.

You are both lucky to have each other, Mike. Go easy on yourself in the days and weeks ahead.

Dogs are wise. They will teach you stuff if you let them.

Sorry to hear that Lulu’s not great, Mike - we saw our old Mollie (she was 19 - I’ll class that as old) go through a similar downward slide last year, resulting in her leaving us in June, coincidentally, the day after our new dog, Bobby, was born…

He’s not a replacement for her (how could he replace her - no dog could have replaced her calm, stolid caring nature), but he stops the empty feeling in the house. And our relationship with him grows and develops every day… he’s still a pup, but in many ways he’s already got the loyalty to us that Moll always had, but without the damage she’d suffered before she came to us…

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