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Saturday, 31 July 2021


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I am not sure where I stand on why a 'white painting is art'. I have swung back and forth on it over time. I enjoy the conversations that curators and art appreciators have on the subject, have watched several on youtube, so thanks for this new (to me) one. Regardless of where the debate eventually ends up, which won't be known for a few hundred years, one thing I do enjoy is the art of gently poking fun at the ideas, something I think is perfectly ok to do. In the 44 Scotland Street novels of Alexander McCall Smith, one of the recurring characters is a traditional portrait painter who has trained his dog to lift a leg and pee whenever it hears the words "Turner Prize." It is an hilarious repeating joke in the books, gently poking fun at a stereotype. It's too bad there isn't a way to remove the monetary aspect from the discussion but that's probably not going to happen in the popular media.
Thanks for these photos. Until this past year, I went to museums a fair bit and often saw "Kodak" moments but I don't carry a camera with me into those places.

Worth the wait.

Part 1 was only last year https://bit.ly/3BYlRz4 , no time at all. I’m not sure how it’s 856 days but I think they were worth the wait.

[The original call for work was on March 28th, 2019. I didn't count the days, but when I typed "how many days since March 28, 2019?" into Google, it gave me 856. Sounds right. I'll tell the story of what happened in a few days. --Mike]

Very Nice, Great pix .....and it only took one day.........
I appreciate that you went back and did this.

Lots of talented folks around here.

Marvelous! TOP'pers never disappoint!

You mention Saul Rosenfield's submission of an image of an SFMOMA frieght elevator. This image and others from his series illustrated an article I wrote about the unexpected intervention of the freight elevator as art: https://www.dailyserving.com/2012/08/hashtags-going-up-at-sfmoma/. (See, in particular, the video compilation of 21 images.) Thanks much for your site!

Thank you :-)

"Grounds for Sculpture" in New Jersey is worth a visit, if only for the novelty.

I found that if I stood at a certain spot near the sculptural recreation of "The Boating Party," the resulting image rendered by the camera looks quite like the painting ... except for the real people who inject themselves into the tableau.

The crew here are really good / talented / lucky whatever you want to call it. And you're a good curator, in the selection function particularly. These are all very good indeed.

At one point I was given an old Polaroid camera, but one I could still get film for. It's quite a different procedure from my standard 35mm/120, and once I did something unintended and got a completely black picture. I wasn't sure whether it was meaningless or crawling with ominous intent. I'm still not sure.

Another interesting (possible) language difference between US and UK. To me, the word "museum" describes a place that stores, curates and exhibits historical and archeological artefacts (stone arrow heads, pottery, spears, mummies, armour, tools, jewellery and so on.

It would never be used to describe an art gallery or an aquarium.

The British Museum is a museum, the National Portrait Gallery is not, nor is the Photographers Gallery.

I don't know why a building that stores and exhibits 500 year old paintings is a gallery, rather than a museum, but it is. Perhaps this is a bit like the US use of Theater to describe a place where movies are shown. In the UK that is a cinema, and a theatre is a place where actors produce live plays. Language is such fun!

I was pleasantly surprised to encounter the posting of The Baker's Dozen: "In The Museum" after reading the day before it would not be completed. Another set of excellent photos! When I read the description about the Sunfish in Aquarium photo and its resemblance with the 'Mystery Science Theater' TV series, it brought a smile to my face, and increased my viewing enjoyment by 10x. If this image were offered in a print sale I would buy one. For me, the Print Critiques and The Baker's Dozen essays are two of TOP's USPs. (https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2016/07/beyond-the-usp.html)

Surely that last one qualifies for a Caption This competition!

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