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Friday, 11 June 2021


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Never forget. Thank you.

I remember seeing the photo as a kid growing up in northern Arizona, and wondering, "Where's Vietnam, and what's going on there?" I don't recall the Daily Courier running it, and I don't think either of the Phoenix papers would touch it. Had to wait for it to appear in Life, or maybe Look, a week or so later.

I saw that car some 25 years ago on a trip to Vietnam and again a couple of years ago. It's a very unmemorable Austin that has acquired ironic status. Unfortunately it's also acquiring some surface rust presumably because of Vietnam's humid climate, and I don't think it will be on display for ever.

One monk has a camera. Only three in the crowd are wearing hats.
What make is the car?

This is a very pertinent discussion of the tragedy of Vietnam. June 13, 2021, is the 50th anniversary of the initial release of the Pentagon Papers. From Wikipedia,

"The New York Times began publishing excerpts on June 13, 1971; the first article in the series was titled "Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces Three Decades of Growing US Involvement". The study was dubbed The Pentagon Papers during the resulting media publicity. Street protests, political controversy, and lawsuits followed."

Today, do we have the honesty for a similar in-depth analysis of Iraq or Afghanistan or the previous presidential administration?

I remember this photo, I am 79.
You didn't mention Madame Nhu's comment about this event.

[That's because I don't know what that is. --Mike]

Madam Nhu called them "barbecued monks". That was as shocking as the picture.
Her brother in-law was Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam, assassinated in 1963.

i was drafted in 66.. this paper clipping and a cartoon from ww2 'we sure liberated the hell outta this place' were in my wallet during my '67 tour of 'snoopy'

@Daniel: It's an Austin, either an A55 Cambridge or an A95 Westminster, late 1950s. The trim looks more like the Westminster, but I'm surprised they exported that to Vietnam, with its relatively large 6-cylinder engine.

I remember seeing that photo on the TV news, when I was 12 yrs.

Vietnam, having been a French colony, was crowded with French Cars. Me thinks the Austin was not imported, maybe an emassy staffcar?
TBH All the years I wonderen about the Origin of that car. Even in France proper English were a rarity. THose French were not stupide (stupide in English). It was the years before Britain (formerly known as Great Britain) was a member of the EC.

I remember this event very vividly, made a big impression on my 12 year old self. Glad I wasn't an American (still am) and had to fight that war 7 years later.

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