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Saturday, 15 May 2021


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That reminds me, the Fuji X-Raw software does allow you to do this sort of, but only with the film simulation settings. It's not really made to simplify the menu, but to store settings on the computer. You can store as many "recipes" as you want on your computer, and then when X-Raw is connected to your camera, you can load new film simulation settings into your camera (up to seven in the latest models). So this covers contrast curve, sharpness, noise reduction, white balance, DR setting, saturation, base film emulation (Astia, Chrome, etc), clarity, and grain.

I have a Garmin smart watch. Some of the features are configurable on the watch. Others require a smartphone app and a Garmin website login. After I deleted the phone app, those features were no longer accessible.

So be careful what you wish for.

Why not post the comments and go down the rabbit holes later? :(.

Comments from an Epson scanner owner building on the problem of supporting those devices for ten to 15 years. Epson barely keeps up with the updates on their scanners. If they can't/won't do it will camera companies? One they have to support Windows and macOS, and maybe Linux. Two, those OSs are constantly being updated. Three, Epson has many printers, scanners and other devices. A lot of work with a hard to define payoff. Apple does a pretty good job, but they mostly have to deal with their own eco-system. Although they have to keep up with changing phone services, WiFi, Ethernet, regulations, security, etc.

A long way to say that such a computer driven system has to be secondary to in camera set-up as hard as that is.

Most companies haven't figured out how to write a manual, much less a multi-platform computer program.

A great idea, but call me a pessimist.

Patent pending.

I wish that using my iPhone, I could program and configure my digital cameras.

Hi Mike,
Re the rabbit hole of comments and featured comments, you Featured a comment that I made along similar lines back here:
Obviously, as a photographer I agree whole-heartedly. However, other commenter’s points about the difficulty of implementing this does give one pause for thought. ‘Be careful what we wish for’ is an apt warning. We’re assuming that the camera manufacturers would implement want we want properly. We’re asking for a work-around to them not implementing in-camera menus properly - if they’d done it properly in the first place, we’d be finding something else to whinge about publicly.
Therefore, at best we could expect a half-arsed website for designing our own menus. A half-arsed work-around is not a proper solution - but at least it would give us something else over which to gnash our teeth :)

Yes beware what you wish for. You pay extras for software on you Tesla which Tesla feel entitled to remove when the car is sold on making the second owner pay all over again despite he having already
paid a premium for buying a high specced car

I fail to see the problem with (Sony) camera menus. For me it is "problem" that lasts one day, or, at the most, a weekend, and only when the camera is new to me.

Having played around with film cameras for half a century I know what I want a camera to do for me.

My A7 has nine directly accessible buttons that I can "program" and a dozen functions that can be reached by pressing the "fn" button.

When I got the camera I went through the menus from the first to the last page and noted what functions were interesting to me. That was roughly 20 function. I then selected which ones I wanted under a button and which I wanted on the "Fn" menu, and programmed the camera accordingly.

I have not used the menus since then, and I still have a free spot on the "fn" menue.

(The manual for my car is a real p-i-t-a compared to the camera manual.)

[But are you certain you're aware of everything your camera can do? --Mike]

Mike wrote after the Christer comment......

"[But are you certain you're aware of everything your camera can do? --Mike]"

Maybe not. But maybe he is aware of everything HE wants from it.

I personally don't really care about most stuff on my DSLRs.
I use most digital cameras just like a film camera. I definitely use exposure compensation a lot, so it must be easily accessible.
I also have one camera that is permanently set to black and white only. One camera one lens one color one year (although now it has been three years)
All my real digital cameras are set to produce negatives! (er, that would be raw)

I take it you didn't email your previous conversation back to the hi-fi exec to... kindly refresh his memory. I'm sure he would've been more than appreciative!

I understand why he denied it all, and almost admire the outright audacity, nonetheless- despicable, inexcusable adult or even professional behavior.

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