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Monday, 03 May 2021


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That's one of the photos that moved me into thinking about being a photographer. Of course I became a software guy, got married, kids etc. so that never came to be.

Listen to the vitriol spewed toward her 50 years ago and note that the same level of hatred still circles the country today, just waiting for its next target.

The university murders at the hands of the authorities plus the DNC riot/beatings again sanctioned by the authorities forever changed my view of America and government authority.

Another photo that changed the world. Phan Thị Kim Phúc, is the nine year old child shown in this Pulitzer Prize winning photograph by AP photographer Nick Ut during the Vietnam War (June 8, 1972).

War is never safe-for-work! https://media.cbs8.com/assets/KFMB/images/209c6a88-f246-476f-a329-512a01cadb66/209c6a88-f246-476f-a329-512a01cadb66_750x422.jpg

Pete Seeger got-it-right in 1955.
Oh, when will they ever learn
Oh, when will they ever learn


What a terrific article! Thanks for featuring that link.

I don't know how Mary Ann withstood all that pressure, especially at such a young age. A powerful story indeed.

Incidentally, Alan Canfora, whose determination helped to keep the memory of May 4th from being "boring ancient history", recently passed away. He had been shot in the wrist on May 4th.

(You've probably seen the photo with Alan C. waving the black flag.)


As my cousins knew Alan Canfora, he stopped at the calling hours when my aunt died.

(By the way, I've never heard of the photo being called the "Kent State Pietà, despite living my whole life in northeast Ohio. I'm not sure where the reporter heard that fact; apparently somewhere.)

As a junior design and photography major at PCA in Philly during the Kent State incident, we were all very much aware of it and donated our graduation fees to the Kent State memorial when we graduated in ‘72. And, possibly because of that photo and other notable ones in that time period, I always seemed to be over sensitive when taking street shots. But I always hoped to have the courage to make the right shot at the right time that could make a beneficial difference. Nowadays it’s so much easier to make that happen with the smartphones we carry...

Bless Mary Ann, John, and all of us survivors of those years for having come this far down the road...

Thank you for the post and the link, Mike. I knew that I had seen the picture before. 'Pictures on a page' - by Harold Evans - shows how it was used in the British press and he comments intelligently on the various ways that it was cropped. Mary Ann's story gave me pause for thought.

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