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Wednesday, 10 March 2021


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I'm confused by your comment...the DA series is native to APSC, so that makes the 35 you're speaking about the native "normal", doesn't it? And although it's not native to APSC, the 31 Limited, a very fine lens, would give you a 46.5 FL....

Or are you talking about FF equivalents of 35 and 40-ish FL's in APSC, so a 23 and a 27?

Gee, Mike, I don't think I could tell 40mm from 35mm if you handed me a camera and didn't let me see the lens, But if you truly are so finely calibrated to 40mm, here's a modest suggestion- get a DA 20-40 Limited lens and tape the zoom ring down at 40mm divided by 1.5. You'll get the perspective you want every time, until you take off the tape.


The "three amigos" are also being updated to HD (High Definition) and SP (Super Protect) coatings, in case you decide to upgrade to the latest K1. The new versions also have round apertures.

The Japanese website's English section has much more detail than the U.S. website (and has better product photos, if you ask me):


They're scheduled to go on sale around the end of April 2021. (Crossing my fingers.)

I bought this lens based on your and Weese's recommendation. Lovely lens indeed. But the screw-drive AF grates.

You should try the Pentax 21 mm. By all numerical measures it is clearly sub-standard, and zooming in to pixel peep (at any aperture) is guaranteed to disappoint. But it takes lovely photos.

[I agree with what you say Struan. However I've tried many lenses just outside my "home" range and I end up just not getting along with them quite as well. Various 28mms, even the Pentax 31mm, and various 45s, even the 43mm. I'm just "typed" on 35s and 40s and happy within that range, not *quite* as happy outside of it. Although of course it doesn't make that much difference...it's not really a big deal. But if I don't have the lens I want I do feel the lack eventually. With APS-C I'm very happy with 23s and 24s. Of course I also shoot with zooms, but eventually I always want to return to home. --Mike]

"I'm sorry that Pentax has been so adamant in refusing to offer a native 35mm-e or 40mm-e lens for its APS-C cameras, or I'd give the KP a try."

You're missing out on the DA 21 Limited, and the FA 31 Limited, which are mighty close...

[I used them both, and both are excellent lenses. --Mike]

28mm puts you at 42mm on APS-C, Mike. There are a couple of Pentax FA 28mm f/2.8 primes that can be had at friendly prices. I have a Sigma 28mm f/1.8 that you could have if you really want to pick up a KP. But it's not that small.

It seems to me the entire DA Limited collection was made for the KP - even though the lenses came first. 20-40mm zoom, and the 15, 21, 35, 40 and 70mm primes.

Samy's Camera, is a three store SoCal sales/rental chain. They are a Pentax dealer, but no DSLR cameras in stock, special order only. It's sorta hard to get me excited about any Pentax product—no matter how great the IQ.

Waaay back when Benjamin Karanek was a Pentaxian, I took a long hard look at the Pentax system—but I stuck with Canon. Kanarek now shoots with Fuji cameras, both MFD and crop. He has done a Vogue shoot with an XT3. If you are not familiar with Kanarek's work, you should be— he's a very smart shooter.

BTW the FOV of a 4x5 with a 150mm lens is equal to 43mm FF—do the math.

I've long thought Pentax should make a 26 or 27mm pancake, like the old 40mm f/2.8 they brought out for the 35mm ME and MX cameras but for APS-C. They did make a 24mm f/2; it's not compact, but it's not huge either. I've considered it as a viable 35mm (well, 36mm) equivalent optic.

Meanwhile, few makers produce reasonably sized 18mm lenses for APS-C, and I'd be pleased if Pentax made one. It would sit nicely between their 21 f/3.2 and 15mm f/4 primes, but would need to be a stop or so faster than either of those. (I don't want much, do I?)

Mike, I understand. The eye/mind seems to get set with it's expectations.

When I bought my first APS-C camera, I thought of all my film era lenses that I could now use with digital. Nope, it didn't work that way. The world no longer looked the same in cropped format. I swallowed my pride and learned to live with digital era zooms. I still sulk occasionally.

Strangely, my stick shift brain happily embraced automatic transmissions.

I understand entirely. The lack of modern 75 mm lenses has saved me from full-format GAS more times than I care to think about. All those 85s are just too long. For getting a job done, I use what there is, but for personal work I want something that just feels right.

I know that as a Pentax user I should gush about the 77, but I can't live with the fringing. When I win millions on the lottery, Leica will get half.

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