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Friday, 26 March 2021


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"Photojournalism isn't art..."

Could have fooled me. I'd hang the lightning over the cemetery or the snow and Gateway Arch and several others on the wall.

What a diverse career!

Link not available in the U.K. because we are “in the EEA” and “subject to the GDPR” which I think is not entirely accurate, however if the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is so intent on misusing my data I’m happy not to go there ;-). Shame.

r.e. the Product o' the Week, I am rather skeptical that USBOverdrive, or most other software, can break a Mac, though it could likely cause a crash under some circumstances. I know that the use of this program is correlated with the breaking of your computer, but correlation is not causation!
Long ago, I used USBOverdrive but switched to https://plentycom.jp/en/steermouse/ during a period when USBOverdrive seemed not to be well supported by the developer. I have very good experiences with Steermouse, and I see that the Evoluent vertical mice are among those that are recommended by the developer.

“Photojournalism isn’t art.” But isn’t it amazing how many of the photographs that are considered art today began life as documentary or journalistic photographs?

Alas, not for some... even if we're no longer part of the EU, though do still enforce GDPR.

"451: Unavailable due to legal reasons

We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time."

[Sorry about that... --Mike]

The May 24, 2011 photo of tornado damage looks remarkably like a Jackson Pollock painting. There are some beauties among these, and, IMHO, a collection of the best photojournalism shots would outdo a collection of the best art shots any day. That's probably just me.

You know, in its own way this is a collection of art in photography. My opinion.

Thanks for this. Wonderful photographs.

That was enjoyable. For some reason I was expecting black and white. The colour photography was a nice surprise. I also enjoyed noticing the difference between the film and digital work.

Thanks for the link, Mike. Amazing photos and nice interview.
First thing I do when I watch this made from home interviews that abound since last year, is trying to see what kind of books or art or decorations people have around them. I noticed a nice ceramic plate with a bullfighting scene behind Mr.Forbes. He is obviously an aficionado.

Get a VPN. Then you can access any site in the world.

I think I found it on Facebook after getting the GDPR nonsense.


Alas, it's inaccessible from Europe... There are only a few at http://www.photojournalismhalloffame.org/j-b-forbes

"451: Unavailable due to legal reasons ..." is just a disguised way of expressing "we want to spy on you, sell your data and don't want to allow you to decide yourself if you approve our use of cookies or other tracking mechanisms.

So I should be glad that this content is not available in countries that respect the right of their citizens to regulate intrusions into their privacy.

That said, I would have well been interested in J.B. Forbes' photography. At least photojournalismhalloffame.org shows some examples. Expressive work, especially the b&w ones

I'm in the U.S., and I can't see it, either. I don't get that notice, but I do get lots and lots of ads and no real content.

He even has a Flickr page but all the photos are ‘Private’! Landscapes though so possibly not for work.

A stunning collection of images by J.B. Forbes, many overruning with emotion. Thank you for the link.

It seems a little harsh to me to lead with ' Photojournalism is not Art'. Most Photography -no matter the category-does not rise to the level of Art, but some does.
The category or classification shouldn't matter. Some work rises to that level , most doesn't. If I call myself a "Fine Art" Photographer do I have a better chance? I hope not.
Should MoMA get rid of all those Robert Capa pix? I don't think so.
I've heard people say the Advertising pictures aren't Art, and again, most aren't, but then there is Penn or Paul Outerbridge (and others)
Mr. Forbes' work is beautiful , I enjoyed it, thank you.

If great photojournalism is not art then neither is literature, poetry, or film. And they must have really screwed up with Bob Dylan!

That is just a wonderful treat to go through. Thank you, Mike, for posting it.

What a body of high quality work, created over the course of a working lifetime! Happy retirement, Mr. Forbes.

Finally got a chance to run through those images - what a legacy! Some consistently great work over many years.

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