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Tuesday, 16 February 2021


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"There's a book. (Where there's a book there is hope.)"

There's also a new, much less expensive book.

I have no idea what's in it, or of the reporduction quality.

Meshell Ndegeocello is a musician’s musician. When her first album Plantation Lullabies was released in 1993, our Amsterdam pop temple Paradiso announced her as the next big superstar.
It has a reputation when it comes to presenting artists before they become famous. To me it was clear from the start that Meshell was an artist for connoisseurs, not for the mass. I’ve always bought all her albums blind. (Or should I say deaf in this case?).
She never does the same thing twice and doesn’t fit in one box. Every musician wants to play with her so she’s always surrounded by the best of the best.

I hope to see her playing live again in the near future.
Man, how I miss live music. Had a ticket for Chick Corea last year but the concert was postponed. His sudden passing away still makes me angry every day.

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