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Thursday, 11 February 2021


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Uh uh. No pictures with fiction please - fiction is much more powerful in one's head.

Speaking of stories, Mike, and their "enrichment" of pictures: this opens up creative strategies in which the pairing leads to a poetic creation, not necessarily intended as factual in the documentary sense. Any words that inform our viewing of a picture modify its perception. Which opens a can of worms about pictures that "stand alone" versus others that "need" the accompaniment of language.

Another Shetland photographer:


The surprising thing, to me, is that this event made it to the NYT.

Well, from a photo nerdy perspective, I'm interested in knowing what slide film these were shot on. The color palette doesn't look like Kodachrome or Ektachrome. My guess would be Agfachrome, but it's been a while since I've looked at any slide film at all. Anyone else have a guess?

The locale reminds me of the evocative large format photography that Paul Strand did on the island of South Uist in the Outer Hebrides, back in the 1950s, though, of course, the two photographers' styles are very different. I daresay, Nick Dymond's's subject choices are far more special to the locals in the Shetlands. As an aside, I wonder if any of his subjects actually got to view Paul Strand's large format contact prints?

Thank goodness Mr. Dymond's slides weren't "recycled", as the New York Times put it.



My Great Great Uncle William Brown plyed his trade as a doctor on the Shetlands in he early 1900's. He was a keen amatuer photographer and my Grandfather donated his glass slides from his time there and they are available on the museum website.

The museum have a good history of valuing the photographs of islands, wherever they come from

That NYTimes article reminded me of all the little local museums in the UK we used to visit on our trips there. I think I read there were ~2,000 of them.

Same goes for the US. It seems every small town has one and I'm rarely disappointed. The museum in Pahrump, NV turns out to have lots of history on the Nevada Test Site where the US did its nuclear testing. Carson City, NV has a museum in the old US Mint. Bisbee, AZ on the copper mining there that helped build America's electric grid and phone system. California gold rush country is full of these little museums. East Tennessee near Smoky MT. National Park has a museum for the Culver Cadet, the first private all-metal airplane. Rugby, TN, has a library with a priceless collection of English books because the founder from England was a friend of Dickens.

Mike, you need to wanter over to Watkins Glen (when things reopen) to the IMRRC, where you will find the largest archives of auto racing photography. That's where my collections now reside, along with many others. https://www.racingarchives.org/imrrc-blog/

Makes me anxious to get back to traveling, and little local museums have always been favorite places to stop and absorb local culture.

Hi; some of the John Hinde photos are online. It’s an interesting glimpse into the past in Ireland..http://www.johnhindecollection.com/john_hinde_print_sales.html

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