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Saturday, 02 January 2021


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My hardback copy (very unusual for me to order a printed book today, a hardback even more so) arrives tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation! I hope you get to use Amazon U.K. links again at sone point.

I've had the book for a year - possibly a bit longer. I've dipped in and out of it at various times and it is full of fascinating information and insight.

'Six Facets of Light' by Ann Wroe is in my pile of books to read - looks interesting.

Ordered it through your link last week. Will probably arrive in 3-4 weeks.

Re the Kindle vs hardback vs ipad, Kindle books can be viewed in colour using the free Kindle app for Android or by visiting the Amazon site on your PC's web browser (navigate to "manage my content").

I would have mentioned the free Windows Kindle reader app too but that seems to have stopped working some time ago.

Many thanks Marc Cotter for that recommendation on the Ann Wroe book. I had a quick look and it's exactly the sort of book I'm looking for.

It seems there's been a mini boom regarding books on color, but far less so on light (except for technical works on e.g. lighting sets).

For anyone else interested in a broader treatment of light, Arthur Zajonc's "Catching the light" provides a fascinating historic overview.

I’ve been reading and enjoying it. I do think it would be more interesting with illustrations here and there. More expensive and difficult to put together, but I kept wanting to turn the page and see a color in use.

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