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Tuesday, 08 December 2020


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I'll never forget December 8th 1980. I just spent several months in Germany with the Air Force and got back to the States on the 8th. I never turned on the TV having not seen my wife for some time. The next day, we were in a store shopping and the radio had news on the hour. The reporter talked about Lennon's murder in the past tense, and I stood in the store in total denial... I couldn't believe what I heard. I'm a news junkie, and I had no idea.

What a kick in the gut.

What a waste.

Thanks for the Lilo Raymond link: I'd never heard of her. Very inspiring stuff.

I'll be stuck in a bloody freezing damp church in Wiltshire for most of Thursday ( Covid delayed window fitting - should have gone in during the Summer ). Not exactly Lilo photography conditions but I'll see what I can do with our new Canon M6 Mk2 which I'm quite enjoying.

Have stuck one of these on it:


It's a hoot.

Always liked Ringo Starr's lead vocals.

A wonderful image, and one that I had not seen before. I was in high school when John Lennon was shot and I remember the news ripping through the corridors. By 1980 the Beatles' music wasn't culturally front-and-center, In fact, it was the comfortable music of many of our childhoods, played on records that became nicked and scratched until the skips in the albums became -- in our heads -- parts of the songs. But he was the first public figure I "lost" and in a manner so randomly stupid and vicious, particularly considering what he had given the world.

What a lovely tribute by Marcelo!

Great shot by Lilo Raymond.
What a lovely tribute by Marcelo Guarini - "We miss you John"
One of my all time favorite songs is 'In My Life'

Lilo Raymond’s picture does have a very relaxed, easy going feel to it that I like. It’s possible that this is a candid moment which is my favorite type of portrait and my favorite use for a 135mm. I also really like Marcelo’s picture. It’s well done and very creative. Marcelo’s pear picture from a past Bakers Dozen also caught my eye.

Mike, I knew I could depend on you to remember John.

John Lennon was much more than a Beatle or a musician. He was a man with emotions that all of us could relate to. He was a pacifist and he bravely stood up for what was right, even at his own expense. In short, even though I didn't know him personally, he was a friend.
He was one of us.

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