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Wednesday, 23 December 2020


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Múlafossur waterfall / Faroe islands

Tourist destination - most pictures are taken from the very same spot ...


TinEye image search to the rescue, looks like an Adobe stock image:

waterfall in the mountains
By Fran Mart


IG link to the image:

https://www.instagram.com/p/BxX6vLeAs6n/ - IG but a bit more detail

I seem to remember a lengthy Walker Evans interview where he said something to the effect that "photographers are collectors of images".


Wow. Could be a sensational photograph, indeed. What a teaser!

By the way, how is that Christmas-week time off going?

Sagardur in the Faroe Islands. A ten minute drive from the airport and very picturesque. These days so popular that the locals don’t like photographers very much...

Yep, 10 minutes from the only airport in the Faeroes (until a tunnel was built, it took the postman about four hours to reach that spot. Here's the fall with a nice gust of wind:

To my delight, I was watching a video someone posted while visiting that spot and saw the dog who hangs out where tourists can throw her a rock to retrieve and saw her playing fetch with other folks just as she had played with us. There is a very nice Cafe in the tiny village, and there is a lot more to see in the Faeroes:


Given the number of similar versions of that waterfall picture one can find online, I'd assumed there was some law in the Faroes that it was obligatory to take a photo there before you were allowed to leave.

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