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Wednesday, 19 August 2020


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Please leave the long lens at home and take the 35mm or the 50mm lens. The challenge of Street Photography is about getting up close and snap.

Some cameras do better than others - because their innocence or silliness or quirkiness (like the Leica IIIf) helps. Henri-Cartier-Bresson used a screw mount Leica and never left home without it.

Seems the DSLRs frighten people.

[Long lens because COVID-19.

(And HCB only used screwmount cameras when that's all there was--he used M's after the M3 was introduced.) --Mike]

Ya gotta check out Stan Banos's street stuff. Very good captures of todays condition which can be anywhere from funny to WTF to down right painful.

"I have no idea if the caption is true or invented post hoc ... "

"So, he did what any smart Walmart patron would do. He stood below the P for the next few hours ... "

Why would the man stand for a few hours (HOURS!) when he could have sat under the P in greater comfort to the same end? I call "invented" or at least embellished.

But today is World Photography Day. Where is your daguerreotype?

Love the challenge! Street photo with a “street” caption...

In The Arts, be it theatre, writing or photography, it's been said that the ability to handle rejection is the most important of all of the skills to possess. To be willing and open to expose my most vulnerable ego to rejection is what keeps me from taking street photos.

Which is silly because I'm such a people person. Yes, iPhone photos don't raise an eyebrow or a second glance. But raise a DSLR with a fast lens attached and you can hear the stochato clicking of sphincters. Metaphorically.

Given Melbourne Oz is under stay at home orders (and a curfew) because of Covid-19, my "street" photo this year may be precisely that- photo from a window of an empty street....

Grandmother, Brooklyn, NY is one of the greatest photographs... Ever- forget the classification! It is the magic and wonder of life embedded directly smack unto film. Marveled at it for hours when I first came upon it- still do.

I wish naming a specific time would ensure a good photograph, truth is, when I'm out on the prowl for photos, they rarely come. But when I'm getting a cup of Joe, catching a bus, well... you get the picture- if you're prepared.

Hi Mike, My name is Albert Engeln I live in south of Spain, and made a collection of street photography around the city I live.
Here is the link:
Best regards,

In answer to Dan Khong, and to Mike's answer to him, I've been using the rough equivalent to 35mm and 50mm lenses for many of my shots in a project about what people are doing during lockdown.

I quickly realised that setting the zoom to 24mm (about equal to a 36mm lens on full frame) on my 24mm wide sensor meant that whatever width I wanted to get in shot was the same as how far away I needed to be.

I wanted to have a good two metres (the UK's minimum social distance) either side of the subject. So one person with a good two metres each side, meant I was about 4.5 metres away. Two people, 5 metres away.

I also wanted to keep a natural perspective; much longer or much wider lenses would compress or exaggerate distances. So it can be done with close to normal lenses, though they will put an interesting constraint to your shots; never a bad thing.

On my blog so far there are 16 posts and over 130 photos from my Distance Project:

My luckiest photo book find was Martin Parr's Thinking of Scotland. A couple of years ago I stumbled on it for $4.74 on Amazon--brand new. Must of been one of those weird Amazon pricing flukes. I love the book, although it's one flaw (one shared by too many photo books) is that some photos span the inner fold. Why, oh why, do photo books do that? Bigger is not better if the photo is interrupted by a crease.

Are you inviting your readers to send or post their one best street photograph made on Saturday?

I must say I always felt like you about Martin Parr’s colour work—too much, too garish. I changed my mind after I discovered his early black and white work from the North of England which is now collected in a book called ‘The Non-Conformists’. The cover picture from that book ‘The Mayor of Todmorden’s Inaugural Banquet’ (https://huxleyparlour.com/works/mayor-of-todmorden-s-inaugural-banquet-calderdale-1976/) is, I think, one of the most perfect photographs I have ever seen. Every character is interesting, different and distressingly human. As it’s taken indoors it perhaps isn’t strictly street photography, but it gets my vote.

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