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Monday, 17 August 2020


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Mike, I heard Fuji started thinking about 're-promoting' the lens, just about the end of last year. It appears that an extraordinary board meeting was called to discuss a TOP article and reader comments.

[Ha! --Mike]

'Hey, you! You have a Fujifilm camera. You're different than them. Flaunt your cred with, "The Original".'

I feel like it's pandering to a psudo-vintage culture that seems to be bountiful in photography lately.

But, then again, that's precisely the point of marketing, isn't it?

I'm constantly moving back and forth between the 23mm f1.4 and the 35mm f1.4 depending on mood or the winds or something like that.

I liken it to the analogy used by one of my favourite musicians, Mike O'Neill (fans of 90s Canadian indie music will know him from The Inbreds). He's generally adopted alternating approaches for subsequent albums, where one album will be lush and layered and the next will be minimal and raw, back and forth. His analogy was of a swimmer doing laps - doing something in one direction for a while, then pushing off and going in the opposite.

That kind of 'modal' approach has been useful over the years to keep things fresh. I was a bit more extreme with it in earlier times, pushing back and forth between a Canon dSLR and a Holga. But even this seemingly minor shift from 23mm to 35mm seems to be a healthy change occasionally, now that I've become pretty camera-monogamous.

Perhaps they simply have a lot more in stock than they expect to sell at the rate they are selling.

The Fujinon 35/1.4 lens (53mm equivalent) has amazing "bokeh". I thought only certain Leica optics were capable of this but the Fujinon surprises me.

It's sharpness even when wide open is incredible.

It has become my constant companion - set at a constant f1.4 - for my Fujifilm X-E3.

Well, I have both the Fuji 35 1.4 and the Fuji 35 2.0. My Fuji 35 2.0 just collects dust. The 35 1.4 does exactly what it is designed to do, only better than most similar lenses. The biggest complaint about the Fuji 35 1.4 is the noise, though. Really? My first auto-focus Nikkor lens was 10 times louder. (I am certain the dang thing sounded like a coffee grinder on my F4). Do not listen to the internet whine. Also, do not waste your money on the Fuji 35 2.0; buy the Fuji 35 1.4.

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