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Sunday, 30 August 2020


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Ming Thein has retired his blog. Smart move.

"Ming Thein has retired his blog. Smart move" A bit enigmatic. Did this one get by you, Mike or am I missing something?

Ah, I see what's happening. Please ignore me.

Having a lot of blog comments to moderate is a good sign. That suggests a high level of engagement by everyone, along with the level of moderation that keeps the conversations civil and useful.

To Dandelion: Smart move maybe for him, I hope so. Not for me...

Oh well, with Ming Thein gone - with the occasional exception of Dan Wells on Luminous Landscape and Sean Read's careful reviews of cameras and lenses I'm unlikely ever to buy - TOP is the last blog standing that I read regularly and the certainly the only place I ever bother post comments. So take your breaks, Mike, and keep the creative drive flowing...

With apologies to Ogden Nash:

Sometimes the blogest
Hasn't the foggiest.

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