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Tuesday, 28 July 2020


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That's easier said than done, but maybe Wolfgang was a sociopath.

That quote seems reasonable coming from Mozart, but then again, I'm not sure I'd want to hear it from Hitler (or Trump for that matter).

Exactly what is wrong with so much of society these days.

Well... it seems that you have found my artist's statement for me!!!

Mike- I freelanced for City News Bureau in DC in the mid-late 1960's. My first assignment was to photograph Lady Bird Johnson with a poster child for some organization at the White House. I carried a 2 1/4x 3 1/4 Speed Graphic. No flash! The City News editor urged getting a Rollei.(And a flash) I did. I shot famous and infamous people at the State Dept., embassies, high-rent-district parties. City News processed the film and sent photos to the Washington Evening Star for use by their society editor. All good fun.

have you ever walked into a restaurant serving real ethnic food?

the food is bold and captivating in its authenticity

two years later the eatery is popular and the food is bland mush

that is what happens when you worry about what other people think of your work

do what you like and embrace the consequences

He didn't care, and he didn't need to care, since he had tremendous success. He was not van Gogh, who came to fame only after his death.

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