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Monday, 08 June 2020


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No problem here. I figure you make such (possibly foolish) commitments for yourself.

a. As incentive to do it.
b. To feel something accomplished that day?

I'm ready for it when it happens. \;~)>

(Even better is when it's surprise, 'cause I've forgotten what you've promised! How many guesses do I get?)

Dear Mike
Sometimes I think change the initials of your site from TOP to DNF as used in racing.
Love your articles, but please finish your projects started.
Won’t stop me from following you on dialy basis just because of the quality and open character of your writing on your life and Photography.
To quote somebody from the web, “just saying “

I will leave it to you to decide whether this comment should be published.

To my mind, these print critiques are the best thing you have done on the blog for a while. Maybe ever, even, which is a high bar. You say that you like prints and I am sure that you do. However, you have now missed three deadlines which suggests to me that your heart is not really in writing these articles. Perhaps it is time to move on? With an apology to those whose prints will not feature, of course.

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