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Friday, 08 May 2020


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Just giving it a listen now. Thanks.

I don't have time to listen to the podcast and do it justice tonight, but on the subject, before I forget to tell you, I'd like you to search the 'net with these three terms:

"John Peel"
"Teenage Kicks"
"The Undertones"

I'll say no more.

Good stuff. How does Kim find it? He must be immersed in music all day long. I don’t see a playlist at the link you shared (login required?) but I think I detected some Howe Gelb in the mix.

When I was a young punk I had a late night gig delivering microfiche. Looking back, I can’t believe they let a scruffy looking kid like me drive through military installations and defense contractor facilities in the middle of the night. It was a simpler time I guess. Late one night while making a stop in a building that housed a local FM radio station I signed up for a contest to be the 9 o’clock jock. I won the contest based on the eclectic playlist I submitted and ended up hosting my own one hour radio show. Getting to play my own mix-tape on-air was an absolute blast for a young guy obsessed with music.

I still make annual mix-CD’s for my siblings and have been doing so for 15 years. My sister’s just dump the tracks onto their phone and play them in random order but my brothers all drive much older vehicles with CD players and so listen to the tracks in sequence. Making an annual mix-CD of my favorite music from the last year is a bit of work but it forces me to reflect and it results in a product I use often. An added bonus is that whenever I visit a sibling my favorite music is on hand. I can’t imagine how much work Kim puts into his mixcloud programs. Just lately though, it’s getting harder to make my annual CD. I just don’t buy music like I used to. I still listen to new music, I just don’t own it.

Here is my musical contribution for the day. Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play the Beatles tune, Come Together.

Very cool. Interesting guy and life!!!

I listen quite frequently and have grown to realize Kim’s music mixes are a curated sound experience. I wish more people knew about what he’s making happen via C60 on Mixcloud. Please share what he’s doing with others.

Is there any way to find out what the playlist is (I can't see a way). There's plenty here I'd like to follow up.

Just a scientific note from your resident microbiologist: folks that think wearing a simple cloth mask will prevent spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles or aerosols should think again.

In one study, a mask that used 16 layers of handkerchief fabric was able to filter out only 63 percent of 300 nanometer-sized particles

The coronavirus is between 60 to 140 nM in diameter.

Also important to note is wearing a mask is not a substitute for social distancing.

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