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Friday, 17 April 2020


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I have been using this:


Pretty easy to use.

I had some fun today recording this song and learning how to make a split screen video, which involved hours of focus. These empty days with no set schedule are certainly conducive to getting lost in projects that on any normal day would seem like a total indulgence. Something tells me that even though our lives have been totally disrupted - socially, financially, and in many other ways - on some level we should be savoring this time: days of total quiet, sleeping late, freedom to wander hither and yon; working parents who craved more time at home with their children
suddenly have their wish come true. In some ways, we've been thrust back to the 1950s, when families spent time together. I'm not sure how anybody is going to want to get up in the morning and leave home after this thing all plays out.

Anyway, Akiwowo was fun, and just like that, it's 5:00.


We need all the healthy brain cells we can get. That is why I stay away from ladders and two story buildings - Altitude kills brain cells.

I also eat vegetarian - and am what is known as a Top Vegetarian. I only eat animals that eat plants, or eat other animals that eat plants.

Better safe than sorry, right? ;-)

Interesting experiment, but I don't like the idea of you accidentally growing something else and poisoning yourself.

I would stick with the cabbage family plants you mentioned.

Could the general malnourishment (and ill health) of Americans that you point to at the start of this post, be in part responsible for the disproportionate number of fatalities being suffered by Americans in the current pandemic? That and the chronic lack of consistent leadership of course.

Appreciate you're still posting about nutrition. Not photography related? Pshaw! You can't take photos if you're not healthy enough (or alive) to shoot!

Chick Pea sprouting Instructions from our household sprouting expert. ( I just eat the things ):

1. Make sure everything is clean.

2. Place chick peas in jar, fill with cold water & soak 6-8 hours / overnight.

3. Place muslin or net over the top of the jar & secure with elastic band around neck of jar.

4. Empty out soaking water then rinse 3 or 4 times.

5. Drain off rinsing water.

6. Rinse & drain twice daily.

7. Chick peas are ready to eat when they have roots.

8. They can be used in recipes where you'd normally use cooked chick peas ( hummus, felafel, curry ) or added to salads.

I googled 'Dr Greger alfalfa' & think I'll carry on eating our home sprouted alfalfa. The links I checked referred to food poisoning risk. Our sprouted seeds go in the fridge once they're ready & get used within a couple of days.

Hate to be a wet blanket. Looking at your pic gives me the willies. Looks like a near perfect DIY incubator/petri-dish. Raw sprouts are some of the riskiest food you can eat.

A quick google found this:


I just polished off a pound of roasted Brussels sprouts... seasoned with smoked paprika, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar and a touch of olive oil... I’m happy now!

"So what does sulforaphane help with? It has significant anti-cancer properties. It's an antioxidant and contains detoxification enzymes. It's good for your heart and your arteries; it helps fight inflammation (many if not most Americans suffer from systemic, chronic low-level inflammation); it helps reduce blood pressure; it has antidiabetic effects; it's used to treat certain symptoms of autism, helps protect the skin against sun damage, and improves recovery from brain injuries. Wow. And it helps with constipation."

"Wow" is right! Mike, it seems the older I get, the more I am given to skepticism as a first response. So I must ask, is there actual, peer reviewed evidence to support all these marvelous claims? If there is, that's great! But I am not a person to rely on faith or opinion in the absence of evidence.

In the midst of this horrible pandemic, I have begun to re-read the books of Lewis Thomas, the late medical researcher/observer/writer on science and medicine, who was also president of Sloan-Kettering. Taken from his essay "On Magic In Medicine" found in his 1979 book The Medusa and the Snail: "Magic is back again, and in full force. Laetrile cures cancer, acupuncture is useful for deafness and low-back pain, vitamins are good for anything, and meditation, yoga, dancing, biofeedback, and shouting one another down in crowded rooms over weekends are specifics for the human condition. Running, a good thing to be doing for its own sake, has acquired the medicinal value formerly attributed to rare herbs from Indonesia."

(And I do love my salad sprouts!)

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