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Wednesday, 18 March 2020


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Beautiful. Thank you Mike.

Thank you Mike.
A wonderful story.

Mike, thank you for sharing this. A genuinely beautiful and moving video. The profundity and depth of love captured in the routine and mundane.


Very well done. Could even exist well without the images and just the progressive transcript. Is this an an example of recognizing one’s “timely” end as you mentioned in an earlier post?

What is the point of photography if not to freeze a moment in time? The act of taking the photo is to push back against inevitability. Documenting your life is the most relevant form of photojournalism there is. In the last few month, I have made an effort to print out as much of what I have shot of my family since I bought a digital camera as possible. That is 15 years worth of images I am wading through. I have literally tens of thousands of images I haven't looked at since they were shot. Printing, to me, is the pinnacle of the art that is photography. Plus, it makes it easy to curate and display for others. I use inexpensive photo albums and they work as good for me as they did for my grandparents. In 30 years, I will have something I can look back at and enjoy. No one else is going to keep a record of my life, so who better than me?

Thank you for that, it was wonderful.

. . .not a dry eye in the house.

Very touching. Reminds me the life and end of many of us.

Really lovely. Thank you.

It's a nice piece, indeed. But kind of gross that it is offered up paired with ads from Hermes.

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