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Sunday, 01 March 2020


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From what I have read the majority of people who had COVID-19 that died had gotten pneumonia from it. If you are over 65 or are younger but have a compromised immune systen you can get a vaccine, PPSV23 that can prevent 23 types of pneumonia. It takes 2-4 weeks to become fully effective. Medicare covers it 100% BTW. https://www.cdc.gov/pneumococcal/vaccination.html

Also if you have not gotten a flu shot please get one. According to the CDC 34,000 people died from it during the 2018-2019 flu season. Please no excuses, just get the shot!

More importantly: don’t buy surgical masks because they will do nothing to make you less likely to get the disease.

Okay, this is my truly near-mint OM-1. Rated by a used camera broker in NorCal as A+.

Mike has referred to the New York Times as the best photography publication (or something like that) and its good to see a photo from the Wall Street Journal in TOP.

The NYT responds with a terrific photo ...

From my spot in the US MidWest it looks like the likely successors to daily print news will be the NYT, WSJ and Jeff Bezos' Washington Post. Hopefully they will continue (or increase) their commitment to high quality photography.

And now, the NYT is investing in audio ...

The paper is now quietly shopping for dominance in an adjacent industry: audio. The Times is in exclusive talks to acquire Serial Productions, the breakthrough podcast studio that has attracted more than 300 million downloads.


The market for news is still profitable but it no longer relies on paper, ink or a license from the FCC.

After digital full frame got up to around 25 megapixels I breathed a good riddance to film – no more labs, no more buying films, no more money spent, but when I would look through my slide collection, I noted the fine color saturation, the blue skies that didn't look like "digital skies" and would wax nostalgic. I was hired in 2017 to do a panoramic calendar that would be printed almost 5 feet wide and decided to use my XPan Hassy. The process: !) find someone who sells my favorite Velvia stock, then wire the money and wait for a package. 2) Shoot the film. 3) Send the film canisters off to a lab 800 miles away and wait for an invoice, wire more money, then wait for a package. 4) Edit, selecting the best chromes for scanning then send a package to the scanning lab. 5) Wait for a package and then make the final cut and do post-production (tweaking the color, cropping, sharpening,etc.) with the added chore of cleaning up the scans because of DUST appearing in the image. 6) Send the files by internet to the publisher.
The low ISO and panoramic format required the use of a tripod. The low speed required introduced a lot of motion blur in the people/vehicles in the photos that were mostly urban landscapes. The backgrounds were super sharp but the action had various degrees of blurring. I think many younger photographers/editors have never had to deal with the aesthetic aspect of subject movement in photos. True to Velvia, the final results were saturated but seemed very realistic - a sort of "slightly improved reality'.

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