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Friday, 03 January 2020


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I don't mind lists, but prefer them to be about work, not gear.

Would be interested to hear what Mike's favourite photobooks of the year (or decade) were. What were the best exhibitions?

Films? Albums? Books?

The end or year (or decade) is a great way to identify great work that one may have missed over the year.

I'd be interested if you get some analytics on the purchases made from clicking through your page? Numbers? Most purchased items, etc. Thanks and Happy New Year Mike!

I understand the question Moose asked you. True, there is lot of information on internet, but giving just bits of it - filtered under not very exact/defined conditions - further maybe fun for the writer, but fills the net further with ... Well, what do you think; with what? (Does Amazon really need your help?)
Just sayin‘ ....

KEH is selling used cameras and for each buyer, there was a seller -- its former photographer/owner. It might be reasonable to say that their list is of the ten least popular cameras.

Good to see the Fujifilm brand NOT mentioned in any lists.

Only a few appreciate the Fujifilm X cameras and that is just fine with me.

To really appreciate Fujifilm x cameras you must spend time with other brands. Sony, Canon, Nikon will do. Only then can you appreciate the Fujifilm X cameras.

Moose complained about year-end lists. Think of them as space filler on slow news days. Or the harsher reality, to fill the space that couldn't be sold for advertisements.

DPReview also put out a list in early December of the 20 most important cameras of the decade. They then asked their readers to vote on their favorites and there are stats at the end of the article showing how many own it, want it, or had it.

I always try to get on Santa's list.

There two kinds of people. Those who divide people in two kinds op people and those that dont do these silly things

Leica lenses and bodies are at the bottom of their respective LensRentals lists. Why rent when you can buy? :-)

May I vote for Jonathan's suggestion. Less about gear, more about photographers who have done something extraordinary in the past year or decade.

The Canon 5D deserves the first place as camera of the decade. That's the one I've seen most professionals dragging around.
Love to see all those lists. The camera of the year list was good for escaping my Micro Four Thirds bubble for a moment. Usually though, I have more interest in worst sellers than best sellers.

I guess I’m one those that likes these lists! These are people not necessarily in the TOP community, and it makes a case for Canon being the most popular brand. I find that interesting.
The list I’d be interested in seeing is how many of us are using some sort of cloud storage for their pictures. My son has been urging me to invest in something I can use wirelessly to transfer all my pictures to. I use a camera for my photos, my wife who uses her cell phone is in more dire straights, and has to make a decision very soon about what she can keep. It’s been a problem, now with grandkids, things have really gotten out of hand!

I always figured that year end retrospectives were easier to put together than something new. Also, they are not as time sensitive - they can be prepared at least a week or two in advance. The same is true for wish lists and predictions for the new year.

I think they are prepared in late November and early December. They run in late December which allows the staff to take some time off for the Holidays.

The lists are fun, they're a way for me to learn about gear. But they also are somehow reinforcing that the gear I have is plenty good, basically Thom Hogan's "last camera syndrome" kind of deal. I guess I don't feel a need for any of the new features, and anyhow I don't have the financial means to change systems (i.e. going from Nikon F mount to Z mount) and I doubt a new system will help me take better photos anyway.

But I still enjoy the lists. One conclusion I've drawn from the lists, my GAS "window-shopping", and experience is that the iPhone is plenty good enough for my "compact camera."

These lists are interesting in that they are all based on data, not someone's or some group's opinion.

On the other hand, I like year-end lists primarily as a way to catch up with, or compare notes on, things such as movies, books and music--and whatever else has been sustaining my sanity--which I suppose means lists based on informed judgment rather than data.

Either way, lists can be informative or entertaining or delectating (am I using that word right?), or they can be useless, cynical click bait. In fact, there's a whole genre of click-bait called "listicles", typically of the "Best deals right now at Mega-Mall", or "7 things the sexiest celebrities eat every day" variety (i.e., barely disguised advertising).

I don't know of a term for end-of-year lists of end-of-year lists. "Armageddon", maybe?

I like the year end lists. I found all the links interesting.

And that's the truth!


I spent a lot of time with Nikon and Olympus cameras before Fuji. They helped me "appreciate" Fujifilm x cameras in a way that many don't. Originally the Fuji X was called quirky. Seeing that they are not on this years list means things have improved and they are just being ignored as a quirky thing of the past still waiting on IBS. And the x100 to focus on something. Anything, just focus before the aperture blades stick.

Bruce McL (partial comment): "I always figured that year-end retrospectives were easier to put together than something new."

Mike replies: Quite the opposite, for me anyway. Much more work than normal posts.

Unless the ‘normal post’ involves a list... see Baker’s Dozen (sorry). :)

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