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Monday, 30 December 2019


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As it happens I consume a fair amount of unfiltered apple cider vinegar but with olive oil and freshly ground pepper on my vegetables. But it’s food not diet ;-). Here’s a tip to combine 2 of your favourite things. After you boil your salad potatoes cut them while still hot and dress them with just vinegar and leave for some time before adding the oil and pepper. This is just for flavour, not to produce any health effect.
All kinds of good quality (ie fermented etc) vinegar make nice drinks diluted with water.

hi Mike,

Long time lurker and first time commenter. If the vinegar works for you - great. However - like everything else - do it in moderation. There's no study to prove or disprove it.

As a physician, I must inform you that Dr Greger is not held in high regard by other physicians due to his lack of any evidence based recommendations. He is not really a researcher or has any worthwhile papers to back his assumptions. He cherry picks studies or articles to support his point of view and doesn't discuss the downsides of the studies he quotes.

To start, I would suggest read this from Aaron Caroll.


A lot of the food related science is not really science as its so hard to do a blinded study over a long period.

Good luck

Your advice on vinegar strengths may be accurate for the US (though I’d have a small bet that it ain’t, due to regional/cultural variations, maybe in Lake Wobegone for example) but isn’t universally true.
Really good (I mean flavourful), drinkable, European food vinegars are usually 6 or 7% . A lot of vinegar used for pickling/cleaning is up to 20%, probably diluted before use. I *think* the really strong vinegars are popular in Scandinavia for pickling, which they are very keen on.
A lot of food vinegar in U.K. is what is described as “non-brewed condiment”, ie diluted acetic acid produced by some chemical means and has never looked a yeast cell in the eye :-( .
So I for one will take your figures with a pinch of salt ... oh, wait, I’ve given up added salt.

Your health recipes always remind me of our mortality.
Only reading them already makes me prefer to die young.
But I hope it works for you and that it keeps you another year in good health. Happy 2020!

Found no credible source that confirms weight loss, but there does seem to be a reduction in cholesterol, according to a BBC study:

In neither the placebo nor the malt vinegar group was there any change. But those consuming cider vinegar saw an average 13% reduction in total cholesterol, with a strikingly large reduction in triglycerides (a form of fat). And this was a particularly impressive finding because our volunteers were all healthy at the start, with normal cholesterol levels.

That said, never underestimate the power of placebo! Happy New Year to you.

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