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Sunday, 01 December 2019


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When I attended RIT in the mid 1970s, making dye-transfer prints was part of one of the advanced? color courses. Materials and supplies were supplied free to us from Kodak. Instructor's name I can't recall. Course's goal was to make a few final dye transfer prints, but as I recall, most of us succeeded in making only one final print, and with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears and especially a lot of lab/darkroom time. Instruction was excellent but problem solving was left up to us, and it was a 100% hands on learning process. Instructor's mantra was straight out of SUN TZU
"When you hear something you will forget it.
When you see something your will remember it.
But not until you do something will you understand it."

Inspiring and insightful reflections on the nature of cooperation in a field where skill and true mastery are scarce. If we are really good at something, we need not fear the others. The good ones will work with us to develop our common field, and the mediocre ones will cater for the less demanding jobs. My own experience exactly, though sadly not in photography (where I am joyful dilettante), but in my professional work as an academic teacher (where I have the touch). True skill needs no protectionism.

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