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Saturday, 02 November 2019


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Just sayin' that if you need firewood that Ash tree's wood is excellent. Lights easily, burns hot and is pretty with no popping. At least the huge Ash that fell on our farm a few years ago was like that.

Glad that you are okay, and that you've been spared the cost of tree removal.

Our trees lost a lot of leaves, and some dead branches. Friends living about 30 miles SE of us had power out, because of 100 mph straight line winds and possibly a twister. Their chimney was toppled. Many had trees fall onto their house.

Hi Mike,
Over time, we had three large trees removed from our yard. Trying to be prudent and practical, even though we liked the way they looked. The other night, with that wind, with gusts, I thought to twenty miles per hour, I went to bed feeling secure. We’ve seen worse.
During the night I woke to a high gust of wind, and a big bang.
In the morning we discovered our closed umbrella had been blown from it's secure’ position in the picnic table, flipped over to crash down, and brake the glass top table! This is the second time. No more glass top tables!

I was glad to hear that the wind was not too bad for you.
It was pretty interesting here in Saratoga Springs. A section of metal roof got pealed off a garage a couple of houses down from us. And as I was walking our dog Bella this morning we went past a section of the road that was blocked off because a utility pole was down with a line lying in the road. I'm pretty sure the power was off but we stayed far away (a good 50 ft.) as we went by.
Anyway, I hope that the rest of your trees keep their feet in the ground.

Maybe you saw this recent tree accident....two sisters saved by a refrigerator


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