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Monday, 25 November 2019


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I have probably missed it, but are we living outside the US included in the sale?

I’ve always loved that picture of Ctein surrounded by boxes of ‘his life’s work’, I remembered you posted it a few years ago (I still can’t believe you’ve been around this long!).

If my five year old son ever becomes a photographer, that same picture would be him holding a 500TB external hard drive that’s smaller that his hand.

In just a couple of years we went from fixed iso and just a few frames (a.k.a. film) to digital cameras that can shoot dozens of pictures in a snap, can autofocus with nearly zero light and stabilized sensors that allow two-second exposures.
It’s astonishing how technology keeps going.

Dear Stefan

Absolutely! About a third of my sales are international. In fact the main reason we're taking Paypal at all is because most international buyers don't have a US bank they can draw funds on. Also, the same price ($650/print plus $39 S&H/order) applies no matter where you live.

pax / Ctein

Dear Gaspar,

Unless he becomes a print-oriented photographer like moi, in which case he's still gonna have a big stack'o'boxes of digital prints (as I do).

pax / Ctein

This is definitely not the only TOP print sale with multiple pictures — not even the first Ctein dye-transfer sale with multiple pictures!

Dear Ari,

Yeah, I noticed that [smile].

I think what Mike was trying to say is that it is the first sale with a huge number of different pictures being offered. Which is definitely true.

The logistics are, ummm, interesting.

pax / Ctein

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