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Tuesday, 29 October 2019


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God, reading that made me want to load a roll in my Mamiya. Why does that world of chemicals, mechanics and heavy optics carry so much nostalgia?

Sounds like a marvelous new paper- cheers to Ilford for bringing it to market. It's good to see that they are not standing still.
As I print only on fiber-base paper, I'm not likely to use this, but it's great news just the same.

I have a recollection of an Ilford Multgrade warm tone that was beautiful paper, but it was , I think, a fiber base paper. I almost never used RC paper because it felt like plastic.
Now I assume if Mr. Grad is using it, it must be better than I remember?

Happy to be of the era and inclination to understand pretty much all of that. And yes, I never was particularly happy with TMAX 400 particularly in TMAX developer for the stated reasons. Rodinal gave great results.

I have great admiration for those who love tinkering with varying films, developers and papers to maximize the quality of their images. But I must say, after reading that post, I am ever more thankful for digital! I think if you are a printer by hobby or profession, these endless nuances and combinations are great. But if you are a photographer who places more emphasis on the capture end, truly printing well was quite daunting.

I still have a darkroom but don't use it much anymore, a couple times a year at most. For over thirty years I have printed exclusively on fiber based paper. It looks like I have been clinging to a prejudice about RC papers that is no longer valid.
Back in the day I just couldn't get a print on RC that I liked as much as FB.
My paper of choice was generally Multigrade FB but if there's an RC version that is just as good and has the same archival qualities I need to rethink things. RC has a lot to recommend it in terms of ease of use. Cool

I can't wait to print my PyroCat-HD negs on this new paper! Those that still poopoo RC need to get the egos in check. RC is my preferred paper.

I used the Multigrade III towards the end of my darkroom days, and liked it well enough. RC paper never had a proper gloss, though, compared to properly ferrotyped fiber papers (and neither do inkjet papers). However, the Massachusetts darkroom never had a good drum dryer, so RC was my only option. (Didn't Ilford at one time make a dryer for the RC paper that did produce a proper gloss, or at least claimed to? Melting the surface or something? I never saw one, or the results, though.)

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