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Friday, 20 September 2019


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Didn’t Robert Frank and return the favour? I seem to recall a Frank photo of Faurer, where the latter is raising his hat. I haven’t checked this and may be talking out of my, er, chapeau.

I notice that Faurer signed the print on the front over the image. Don't see that often except with paintings.

I enjoyed the article very much, Thanks

Faurer's film on Times Square is pretty awesome.

"I seem to recall a Frank photo of Faurer, where the latter is raising his hat."

Checked it out. It's reproduced on page 21 of Louis Faurer by Anne Wilkes Tucker published by Merrell. It's a charming photo.

Robert is sporting some pretty long hair for 1947 in this photo. Guess he ws ahead of his time in many ways.

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