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Monday, 26 August 2019


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>>It's going to be glorious <<


It would be even more glorious if you restarted your weekly column on TOP.

Took the liberty of tweeting about this, since I have many Scottish followers and Ctein's scottish prints are beautiful.

Dear ScotinD,

Thank you very much! We want to promote this well beyond the confines of TOP, and Mike will be preparing a press release. We'll be specifically asking for advice and recommendations from readers as we get closer to the sale, but we are quite happy for any outside publicity now.

pax / Ctein

Dear Jim,

At the present time, all my spare time and energy is going into preparing for the sale. You cannot imagine how much work is involved in spotting and properly finishing up a dye transfer print. (I'm planning to write about just what is involved in preparing a finished dye transfer print during the sale.) By the time the sale starts, I expect I will have put in close to a thousand hours of preparation time.

In addition, fulfillment will not be a trivial matter. Between processing orders, bookkeeping, actual packaging and shipping, and hauling down to the post office, I'm figuring half an hour per order. That's going to be a lot more hours, hundreds hopefully (or hopelessly, depending on how you want to look at it).

Who knows what's going to be happening next year? Not I. I could well be working on a new novel (there's one out with the publishers right now). That drains my writing energy.

If anyone is totally jonesing for my deathless prose, I send out a monthly newsletter which (most months) includes a new column by me. If anyone is interested in getting it, send me an email saying, "Please send me your Occasional Newsletter."

Some months it is a struggle for me to even get that one column done. This coming one, I'm going to "cheat" and run more or less the same column your reading here, because most of my subscribers don't read TOP. That, I fear, is about as "glorious" as I can manage for now.

- pax \ Ctein
[ Please excuse any word-salad. Dragon Dictate in training! ]
-- Ctein's Online Gallery. http://ctein.com 
-- Digital Restorations. http://photo-repair.com 

Welcome back, Ctein!

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