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Saturday, 24 August 2019


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Hope you enjoy your days off, Mike, and come back feeling refreshed.

Have a nice rest Mike.
Maybe you could repost your brilliant essay on one year with one camera one lens and a simple Leica rangefinder. It's original posting was around this time of year because I vividly remember being on holiday and I always have holidays round this time.

Every man's battery is different and one charger does not suit every one. All of us need different and unique chargers. But why do we have to have different batteries for different cameras? Worse still one and the same camera sometimes need two different chargers, depending on the brand of the battery. Do we have two sets of batteries for each of us? I suppose no. I wish we could have a spare battery for us humans.
Have a good time and recharge well and fast. Keep your batteries up and running.

Perhaps it is time to update your post with this (free) image?


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