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Saturday, 29 June 2019


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A social law to which I was exposed by a friend running teen trips in the summer: Every group must have a dork assigned. It is the task of the second least-favored person in the group to name the dork and make his/her life appropriately uncomfortable.

John Wilson’s Venn diagram of the topic was terrific. Certainly t-shirtable. (The ultimate measure of “terrific” these days.)

Did someone say that with the InterWeb everyone can be nerdy for fifteen minutes? Maybe I’ve misremembered, I’ll have to google it ... ;-)

On the internet, no even another dog, knows you're a dog with OCD.

Several years ago, self proclaimed geek Roger Cicala at Lens Rentals sponsored a Photo Geek contest. One of my favorites was a two foot long assemblage of homemade extension tubes that the maker used to get closer to......
a lens.
It was hilarious.
This is a link to the reporting page, but it appears that the "product photos" have been taken down-

As someone who was born with six toes on each foot--a condition known as polydactylism--I was thrown by Steve Jacobs etymology for "dork"--although I understand he is only the reporter, and I bear him no ill will. And to answer the obvious question, yes, the extra digits were surgically removed when I was an infant. The surgeons did muff the right foot, leaving a large bone spur, which has been inconvenient over the years and probably makes me at least part dork.

[I should specify--every TOP reader is above average, and none are dorks, dweebs, nerds or geeks. So never fear! --Mike]

Everything worth doing has first been done by a geek. The big mistake made by many is to see a distinction between, say, geeks and jocks. Jocks are just geeks with a different passion -- but anyone who can shoot 500 baskets a day or make 500 practice putts is a geek, and when you talk to a serious, high-level jock, it's astonishing how intellectually involved they are with their subject matter. The same is true with serious artists of all kinds, engineers, etc. IMHO.

On 12-27-10, Patton Oswalt said: We're on the brink of Etewaf: Everything That Ever Was—Available Forever.

Patton is a little late to the party. The internet is forever is a long known truism. By 2010 many young mothers had already been asked by their kids, mom is that you? In a couple of generations, grand-kids will be telling grandma wow, you were sure were hot, when you were my age.

Wasn't a Geek originally a carnival side show person who bit the heads off live chickens?

I have no geek/nerd comments but wanted to tell you I enjoyed your article on Diane Arbus. Thanks! This whole series was great.


[Thank you Sharon! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have always wanted to do more of those articles on photos, but they take a fair bit longer than a day. It's not so much the writing that's time consuming, as knowing what to say. The one called "The Concerned Photographer" was the only one I wrote in a single day, and I think it shows. --Mike]

A guru?

I thought geeks bit the heads off chickens?

But currently I don't think there's really any consistent distinction maintained. At least within the parts of the science fiction, computer, and photographic communities I know.

South center in the illustration is a very interesting point. One could get down on all fours and have a different limb in Geek, Nerd, Dork and Obsession all at the same time. Hmmm.

"In a couple of generations, grand-kids will be telling grandma wow, you were sure were hot, when you were my age."

Older than Michael I am. My now 27 year old grandson marveled at the picture on the living room table of a more svelte and handsome couple on the first iteration of 'The Love Boat' aka 'The Sun Princess' taken in 1986 while he lived with us around age 7 before Y2K. "Ninny, who is that hot girl with Bopbop??"

I have not yet scanned that photo for my gift autobiography to the kids and grandkids or I'd link it here. It needs to be out there...

So is it possible to be a Ferrari nerd and a 270,000 mile Honda CRV geek or are economics not a factor?.

With technology becoming so integral to our lives today, I’d much rather be considered a Nerd or Geek versus a Luddite.

Ned said: With technology becoming so integral to our lives today, I’d much rather be considered a Nerd or Geek versus a Luddite.

Best comment I've read in ages! The bleeding edge, is a great place to live.

Thanks, again, Mr Bunnell for the tip on Drakroom https://apps.apple.com/us/app/darkroom-photo-editor/id953286746

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