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Sunday, 28 April 2019


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Interesting, yes. Lazy, yes. Copyright violations?

Many photographers are voyeurs. A camera gives them an opportunity to peep, without being too creepy 8-) Many people are natural exhibitionists and/or perverts—capable of assuaging the peepers interests.

Sorry, and I admit I may be in the minority of TOP readers, but I just don't find that taking a photo of a monitor image of a Google street view as being art. Mr. Wolf may well be a renowned photographer, but, to me, this is pretty dreadful.

[Don't forget, you haven't seen the work. --Mike]

"[Don't forget, you haven't seen the work. --Mike]" - very true, all that I have seen is the video that you linked. So my opinion is based solely on that. But my reaction to what I have seen stands. Just not me cup of tea (I'm not a Brit, but am married to one, and have been living in the UK since early December last year).

I really liked that. Reminded me of a photo I took in Alaska I always liked.

Mendenhall Valley Christmas

A Google street view car is pretty obvious when it trundles down the street. If you'll kiss for the kiss-cam at a basketball game, you'll definitely kiss for the Google car.

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