It's not too often that I make a big, flagrant mistake here on TOP. But I really screwed up this morning when I posted Moose's article.
I was in a hurry and I omitted the last part of the article. My cut-and-paste only grabbed the first page, not the whole piece he wrote for us.
It's late now and I've had a long day and I'm very tired, but I've removed the version as I posted it today (leaving a placeholder so the comments made so far don't get deleted), and I'll re-post the article in its entirety in the morning.
My sincere apologies to Moose and to everyone who read the partial article on Monday.
Reminds me of a little story. (Most things do.) I was hired to photograph a street busker in D.C. years ago who was a "one-man band." I got a nice portrait of him using a medium-format 645 film Fuji. Naturally I talked to him for a while and listened to him play. He had many instruments he played with his hands and mouth, and to keep the beat he played a cymbal with one foot and a small "bass" drum with the other foot. Drumming was clearly not his forte, though. Anyway, his comment about that was, "I'd fire the drummer except I can't!"
Anyway...I'd fire the editor except I can't.
Sorry again.
—Mike the redfaced Ed.
Mike is in good company. Searching on "we regret the error" turns up pages of errors from highly respected publications large and small.
Maybe he should fire his fact checkers, proof readers and type setters.
Posted by: Speed | Tuesday, 05 March 2019 at 06:43 AM
Not to Worry!
Honored - and Un Concerned Moose
Posted by: Moose | Tuesday, 05 March 2019 at 01:30 PM
Mike should hire his fact checkers and proof readers. Except the market isn't big enough to support that. It's terribly hard to proof-read your own words, it really should be done by somebody else.
Posted by: David Dyer-Bennet | Wednesday, 06 March 2019 at 02:45 PM