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Monday, 31 December 2018


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And a happy and healthy new year to you, Mike.


Happy New Year! I have the funny feeling that you are going to find companionship this year. Dunno what it is, but just got strong feeling about that.

Dan K.

All the best for the coming year, Mike. I have a couple of decent-sized purchases coming up. I won’t forget to use the TOP portal.

Happy New Year To Mike and all my fellow TOP readers

Happy New Year! Thanks for all the words and providing some sanity on the internet. Thanks for weeding out all the mad comments we never see but which I know must exist.

The Internet is like the jungle, Mike: ruthless and competitive, with hoards of beasts trying to devour our attention. If we come back everyday, it is because of you and your writing. And all for so little or even nothing. It is us who should be grateful.

So... I wish you all the best for 2019, including nice weather and the best light.

A happy and productive year to you too Mike. Thanks for the great content last year and, here’s looking forward to the next.

As the East coast city patois says, "Right back
atcha, Mike."

May you have a good 2019, Mike.

That's a lovely relaxing image to start the new year.


Happy New Year.

They're really nice socks, BTW. Happy 2019!

Happy New Year Mike. And condolences on all those sky scratches. The only remotely positive aspect of 9/11 was contrail-free skies in the days afterward when air traffic was grounded.


Here’s a wonderful radio program that you will find fascinating:


Thank you for your humanity!

Happy New Year.

Lovely Picture.
Thanks for a great place to visit on the vast inter webs
And best wishes for a Happy , Healthy and Productive New Year.

Mike...I hope you have a healthy.. and wealthy 2019. All the best....

The camera of the year is the one I’m using right now! An OMD EM 1.
Happy new year Mike

Happy new year, Mike!

Happy New Year to you and your canine staff - very grateful to you and the community you've built;t here. For many of us, there's no more local camera store to hang around and talk about 'stuff', this corner of the Internet feels like a mix of the local camera counter and the very best of the early, more human online forums. Takes a lot of effort, and it's appreciated. Thank you.

Happy New Year to you, too, Mike! And to my fellow TOP readers.

Terrific image.

I hope that 2019 brings better health and financial stability for you Mike.

$13 for a pair of socks? U kiddin', right?
A bit late, but a happy New Year to you and the TOP fraternity. May all your New Year's resolutions be fulfilled.

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