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Friday, 28 December 2018


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It's important to note that most displays, e.g. laptop displays, iMac Display, and general computer displays can only be profiled, they cannot be calibrated. Calibration be means actually adjusting a response to a reference standard, for this displays, this means software that provides true hardware-based control over the display output, and also a bit-depth and LUT that supports hardware-based calibration of the display. Your NEC, EIZO ColorEdge, BenQ and some Dell displays provide this functionality, but the vast majority of computers can only be profiled.

My LaCie came with its own puck (Blue Eye Pro); unfortunately, when I moved to Windows 8.1 the thing no longer worked with the new computer. Fortunately, the monitor still does...

Several other things also became obsolete with that move towards modern times.

Do you ever get the feeling the industry delights in screwing you?


I've seen comments that the Sypder5 software doesn't work when the sensor is plugged in via a USB hub. Since the new Mac laptops have only USB-C connections, has anyone had luck with USB-A to USB-C adapters or docks?

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