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Monday, 15 October 2018


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If the truck had been going faster would centrifugal force have kept it upright?

And … was someone sitting on a hill with a camera waiting for this to happen?

I imagine that what was going through the mind of the driver was "If I try to keep going there is a 90% chance of a career ending incident, but if I try to back up it's 100%"

I notice that 100% of truckers* ignore the speed signs, so I am not surprised.

*I once got stopped on the interstate for speeding and said that the car did not have a speedometer ( which was true ) so I figured that if the speed limit for trucks was 55mph and cars were limited to 75mph and I was just a little faster than the trucks I should be fine. Turns out that the fine for no speedometer was substantial.

and there is this https://youtu.be/V3-UugI0JoA

For more like this, try https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure Always sure to brighten up a Monday (well, in a schadenfreude kind of way).

Just happened to be someone positioned on the hill to make a video.

[I imagine it was someone who saw it coming and whipped their phone out, wouldn't you think? That's what most of these are (it's a whole genre—search "work fails" on YouTube for more). --Mike]

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