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Sunday, 02 September 2018


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One of the best books I have read about the American West and what was called "The Indian Wars."

I recently got 'Bury my heart at Wounded Knee' by Dee Brown. Riveting and sad at the same time.
best wishes.

Mike: "...don't stare dull-witted at the idiot box or flit through dopey vids on YouTube."

Excuse me?


Yes, I read the book a few years ago after your recommendation; never thanked you for the tip but would like to do so now. The full book is excellent and well worth the read. Thanks for the suggestion!

Best book I read over the last two years is HOLD STILL, by Sally Mann.
She writes as well as she speaks.

Pronounce Beacon. B=N

If you like reading about this period and this place, and haven't yet read it, "Lonesome Dove" is a classic. You won't get the overall historical perspective, but you'll get the flavor of the period in spades. (Blue Duck is quite the scary character)

I read Empire of the Summer Moon after your first recommendation and it was a real joy. The madness, the relentless march of western civilization, the prehistoric ways of the comanches, the cruelty, the prairies full of horses and bisons.

Its an unforgettable painting of a clash of eras. In many parts the writing is on pair with the impressive address of Ten Bears:

"You have said that you want to put us on a reservation, to build us houses and make us medicine lodges. I do not want them. I was born under the prairie, where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures and everything drew a free breath. I want to die there and nor within walls. I know every stream and wood between the Rio Grande and the Arkansas. I have hunted an lived over that country. I live like my fathers before me an like them I lived happily".
"()But it is too late. The whites have the country which we loved, and we wish only to wander on the prairie til we die".

Our civilization have created many wonderful things, like this possibility of reading you, and write to you. But at what cost. It should have been different, but we were (and are) so full of madness.

I read Empire of the Summer Moon on your recommendation and enjoyed it much. On writing in general, we already have lots of thrillers. Can you do Vonnegut? Current political news is close, but we still need the real thing.

Living in the US of A... "we were taught little or nothing about Native American issues."

Contrary to the gist of this story, the Comanche have yet to experience their "last days" nor their "final destruction". Moreover, this piece fails to mention the fact that introduced diseases like smallpox and measles, along with eradication of a major source of food -the bison- played a more important role in clearing the plains for white settlement than did military engagement. Stories like this are part of an overall framing of the "Indian Wars" as battles between mutual aggressors rather than a conscious policies of eradication on the part of various governments and settler institutions. Indigenous peoples in north america were the demonized other for hundreds of years -and in some cases still are-, characterized in the same way people currently characterize their own enemy of choice, be it muslims, immigrants, blacks etc.

I read "Empire of the Summer Moon" and was impressed. Two other recent ones:

"The Apache Wars: The hunt for Geronimo, The Apache Kid and the captive boy who started the longest war in American History" by Paul Hutton


"Storms brewed in other men's worlds: The confrontation of Indians, Spanish and French in the Southwest 1540-1795" Elizabeth John.

(I admit I have not finished the second one yet!)

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