Peter Turnley, At the office, Paris, Sept. 20, 2018
Our longtime friend Peter Turnley asked me to pass along his greetings to all his friends among the TOP readership. He's in Paris, doing well, working hard, and preparing future books and future workshops.
Carl Westergren, Peter Turnley on his Paris Balcony, September 2018.
"I continue to photograph every day with joy," Peter writes, "and feel very much in stride with my vision and in touch with what I want to communicate visually and open to seeing and responding very spontaneously to the world around me."
(Thanks to Peter)
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(To see all the comments, click on the "Comments" link below.)
Featured Comments from:
Dave Karp: "I have one of his Paris photos on my wall (thanks to both of you, by the way) and was admiring it just this morning. It hangs right next to a Charles Cramer photo (again, thanks). Such different photos and photographers. Both wonderful."
Maggie Osterberg: "The week I spent in Cuba with Peter is easily one of the three best weeks in my entire life. He is not only a great photographer and teacher, he's also a straight-up mensch. If you can do one of his workshops, do it. It is worth every penny and then some. It will be a transformative experience. Oh, and bring a 35mm lens and glue it to your camera!"
Hi Peter! What a great city to walk around with a camera.
Posted by: BWJones | Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 11:02 AM
Peter Turnley: a bang up-to-date outworking of the sentiments in my Comment on the 'The Biggest (Smallest?) Reason to Go Micro 4/3' Thread.
Whatever system and camera you use, enjoy it and make great pictures.
Mind you, some Cafe Society in Paris is always a welcome extra help. ;-)
Posted by: Olybacker | Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 02:50 PM
I just signed up for Peter's NYC workshop in June '19. Really looking forward to the experience. Just started the One Camera/One Lens/One Year project to prepare for the workshop (X-Pro 2, 23mm f/2 "Fujicron" Acros film sim).
Posted by: C.R. Marshall | Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 03:50 PM
Peter Turnley's very recent photograph "At the office" is a stunning example of almost Wellesian focal depth. Maybe this could trigger a modest retreat from the bokeh obesession which has gripped many of us for so long. Beautiful.
Posted by: Scott Marriott | Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 01:58 AM
Hey Mike, I’ve mentioned this before but I think you and Peter should collaborate on a PT/TOP Cuba Workshop. With only 7 spots for these workshops, you’d likely have all TOP photographers sign-up. I attended one of Peter’s Cuba workshops in 2014, and as Maggie already mentioned, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. The attendees would love rubbing elbows with both of you...and I’m certain you’d have a wonderful time.
Posted by: Ned Bunnell | Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 09:14 AM
I would sell off half my guitars to do a seven-person TOP workshop.
Posted by: Maggie Osterberg | Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 05:10 PM
Oh hi!
Posted by: Kiye Sic | Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 11:20 PM
Hi. I have two photos of Paris, both in rain, hanging on my living room wall. Beautiful.
Posted by: Jamshid Varza | Monday, 24 September 2018 at 10:47 AM
I would absolutely love to know how Peter is getting away with photographing people in Paris, given the Article 9, rights of the image and now the GDP.
For example the first shot- is there a model release signed by everyone in the shot? They can at some point withdraw the consent.
I was in Paris for the first time last December, and I had to NOT take street photos with people once I read the rules.
Posted by: Ricardo | Friday, 28 September 2018 at 12:19 PM