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Monday, 20 August 2018


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Do we all send you our best street photo from Wednesday?

And don't forget, either, that HC-B gave up on cameras and returned to the relative sanity of pencil and brush.


19 August - Photography Day - on 19 August 1839, the French Government presented Daguerre's invention as a gift from France "free to the world", and complete working instructions were published (cited from Wikipedia).

Extra extra extra points if it's taken with a Barnack?

What do you think HBC's reaction to the Leica M10-P would be?

I think he would like it, almost a manual digital camera.

To be honest, it´s my own idea. I simply claim this day as dedicated to street photography. I use to send a mail to TOP, to Peter Turnley and write on Facebook. Some people think it´s a nice idea and respond kindly. I suggest we meet in a special café in Gothenburg att noon. Until now one friend has said he will come. After all, street photo is is something you do alone. Walking around in a crowd has nothing to do with it.
By the way, is there really an "official" way to make August 22 The International Street Photography Day?

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