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Tuesday, 10 July 2018


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There's a guy, Arne Svenson, that did a project made of photos of New Yorkers shot through their windows with a long telephoto. Don't know about sutainability, but it is a case for spy cameras. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/photography-blog/2013/aug/19/art-peeping-photography-privacy-arne-svenson

Mike, I believe Robert Adams black swan is Andreas Feinnger ( Hope I spelled his name correctly.) Working from memory here. Wasn’t Mr. Feinnger a Life photographer who cobbled together his own large format telephoto lenses ? I can recall a shot of New York cities waterfront with sky scrappers in the background.


I'll tell you what its for ...

I tried out Nikon's predecessor model of this along side the Sony Cyber-shot RX10 IV. They are both excellent for casual birding photographs.

Despite doing it for years, I am still an unskilled birder so I do much better with a photograph to study to help make identifications - as opposed to looking through binoculars and trying to remember all the details.

I went with the Sony because its EVF, when coupled with spot metering, is amazingly bright and it allows me to pick a bird out of shady underbrush and expose it properly.

Of course, image quality is not stellar but I did sell my Canon system with a 300mm 2.8 lens because the Sony is a fraction of the weight and size and, to me, that was more important than having the "best" image I could get.

Seriously a 24-3000? sure, at 3000/f128. Just what I want. I see they don't specify what the F stop at 3000 is in the announcement but can't be that fast.

Well, she’s no pretty, that’s for sure...


An 83X zoom is certainly an impressive feat, but only 24mm at the wide end? I'm sorry, but that's a deal-killer for me.

Nikon is going to hell in a hand basket and this is what they come up with to save the company?

I can't wait for their idea of what a mirrorless camera is suppose to be. First being a FF camera it will weight way more than my XPro-2. And the lenses . . .

I can't wait.

"I'd love to see a photographer of major ambition sustain important work made with the Nikon P1000. That would be interesting. I'll believe it's possible when I see it."

Would you define for me "important work"

Who be the judge?

As T. Edwards notes, in good light, this might be an interesting birding camera. Like him/her, I sold off my big, long lens (the now-controversial, apparently unrepairable PanaLeica 100-400) for an RX-10 IV - it is, I think, the best birding camera ever created, since the noise performance of the Sony 1" sensor is pretty decent, it's f/4 at 600mm equivalent, and has a fantastic AF system. More reach is always welcome, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the Nikon AF won't be up to the Sony, so it remains to be seen if it would be useful for anything beyond ID shots, especially in less-than-ideal light. It does come in several hundred dollars cheaper than the very expensive RX-10, which might tempt some to give it a try.

I LIKE long.

I shoot 800 mm -e all the time with the PLeica 100-400.

My 1 2/3" sensor 24-720 mm -e Panny ZS50 makes quite decent photos in good light. No one noticed anything wrong when I included one in one of my 8x10" photo books.

The first two rows here are all ZS50, from 24-720 mm -e, mostly 720.

RAW files were one reason I chose it; it really does make a difference in what I can get out of the camera. I stayed away from Nikon Super-zooms for the lack of RAW.

Just pre-ordered through your above link.

The paparazzi will love it as they track all the "famous" for their expose's.

In the midst of Nikon cost cutting and the vaporware of the DL compact cameras, here come the successor of P900, I am sure they are making money out of this range of super zoom cameras. Looks like there are no competitions out there right now. If this product is sneaking into some James Bond or Mission Impossible movies, the sales are going to shoot up.

Bill Pearce... it appears the maximum aperture of the P1000's zoom lens is f/2.8-8.0. Perhaps if and when P900 prices drop further, I'll pick one up on closeout. I always thought the P900 would make a cool toy. But I could never justify paying full freight.

John Schabel's photographs of airline passengers come to mind.

Does the pop-up flash cover that entire focal length range...?

To infinity, and beyond!

Atmospheric dust, haze and thermals are the major enemies of long lens photography, but if one can somehow get around these, many of the later set of Nikon Coolpix superzooms can sometimes produce results impossible to obtain even by cropping full frame images. I speak from experience; I have been using a P510 since 2012, and it has allowed me to take some really pleasing bird, street, portrait and landscape images, right from 24mm right out to 2,000mm (digital zoom at maximum reach). The P510's lens is simply superb.
I wouldn't sneer at these superzooms if I were you without giving them a good try over an extended period of time. Of course, being in sunny India helps; I normally don't budge from ISO 100 and mostly use -0.3 exposure compensation. I mainly use M43 gear, but the P510 has earned its rightful place in my bag of tricks.

Wrong. Franco Fontana did.

Bill Pearce, it's f/8 at the long end.

A great camera for voyeurs!! Sony should sell a lot of them.

Moore's Law is alive and well, and it applies to more than transistors. I'd expect a 1" sensor camera within a couple of years. Like it, or not, time and technology marches on.

FWIW, the original Pentax Q had a 1/2.3" sensor, as did the second iteration. But the Q7 and Q-S1 have a larger 1/1.7" sensor and a proportional increase in image quality.


It's a shame (but understandable) that the Q lineup is all but dead. It's a fun piece of kit with a good lens lineup; a modern day Auto 110.

I'm hoping for a zombie-like revival.

Stephen Cowdery: "That thing is as big as my head! It has to have the biggest ratio of sensor size to volume of any camera ever made."
I think that the Canon 1218 super 8 cameras may still be the record holder for lens to format size. ( I also think you have the denominator and numerator reversed )

Alaska cruises.

I had my Canon 7D on the trip I took in 2012, and the longest lens in my arsenal then was the EF DO 70-300mm, a 'mere' 6x zoom over the nominal 50mm 'normal' view (actually more than that, since the 7D has an APS-C 1.6x crop factor sensor, but I digress).

Do you know how tiny a whale looks taken from the deck of a large passenger ship that is not allowed to approach the whales (I think it is a 1 mile limit, but maybe more). Really tiny, even at max 300mm zoom.

I found that the folks that were getting good shots (in those days) were the ones that brought 8mm video cameras that could do 80x optical zoom.

If such a thing had been available in a still camera, I would have jumped it at.

Instead, all I have of the whale shots are tiny spouts and flippers.


On the other hand, shots of calving glaciers demand wide angle lenses, so I did real well there with my EF-S 10-22mm and EF-S 17-85mm.

Watching that 'Powers of Ten' video by Charles and Ray Eames, I just realized that when you zoom out very far you go back in time! That's something the buyers of the P1000 should bear in mind!

So the Nikon P1000 zoom works out to an actual 3.1mm to 389mm. Call that a lens? Consider the so-called box lenses used to image live television broadcast sports. A current state-of-the-art example is the Fujinon UA107X8.4, for sale at B&H for a mere $198,750 without the mandatory option of a $16,569 servo control system. It has a zoom range of 8.4mm to 900mm (35mm equivalent would be 33mm to 3540mm) in a B4 mount (3 monochrome sensors 8.8mm x 6.6mm behind a dichroic beam splitter with a flange focal distance of 48mm in air), a built-in 2X optical extender (in case you need 7080mm equivalent), an aperture of f/1.7 out to 340mm and f/4.5 when it reaches 900mm, image stabilization, and a close focus distance of 3 meters. It is 258 x 264 x 610mm and weighs 23.9 kilograms. To actually mount one of these babies the lens is bolted to a metal cradle that the camera sits inside, then the camera is mounted to the lens. These things are used every day for stuff going on in your neighborhood arena or stadium, and are a lot of fun to drive. Maybe someone will buy one through the B&H link and make Mike's year.

@Bill Pearce At a crop factor of 6-7, the f8 @ 3000 is about f64 - f90 ... not exactly f128.

Well, f64 is a good photography club to be in. Missed by decades now but still f64.

My longest focal is 105mm and my sensor is 24x36mm. The crop factor is roughly 6x if I crop to the size of the Nikon P1000. Have I then a 600mm focal P1000 equivalent?

A prized heirloom in this household is an 1957 first edition of Kees Boeke's picture book, 'Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps', acknowledged as inspiration by the Eames film and by 2 others.

In 1982, I bought the picture book of 'Powers of Ten' that Philip and Phylis Morrison edited with Ray and Charles Eames for Scientific American Library.

The SciAm book has more technical background than the film and a glossy photographic style, but Boeke's monochrome book is a beautiful object, quirky and hand-drawn in part.

3000mm!? Unimpressed. Wake me up when they got a moon shot clearly showing the Hasselblads left there.

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