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Tuesday, 01 May 2018


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Someday's I do wonder, and struggle, but it can be addictive... says he after several years here:

The Blipfoto community is a friendly place for anyone considering having a go at a 365 type challenge. I heard of the site via a comment here, long ago. Be warned, once you get into the swing of it, you may not be able to stop!

Perhaps even more beneficial to your health if you use a view camera.

I guess I’ll live to be a hundred. Probably outlive the camera.

I started in late December. I am currently down 16 pounds but have hit a plateau at 233 (stuck for almost a month now). My primary goal is to be in shape to climb Whiteface Mt in the Adirondacks on the 25th anniversary of completing the 46 high peaks on Whiteface 7/17/93. A longer-term goal is to get under 200#. 190 would be good.

I'll buy the daily blog check-in idea. And happy International Workers Day. Bloggers are workers too, even if you have to pay small business taxes and can't go on strike.

I'm currently laid up, recovering from a hip replacement. About two weeks into this boredom started to set in (I'm easily amused) and I discovered a corollary to this idea: showing somebody a picture you like every day is fabulous therapy. Need to remember this.

There's something to this idea! I don't stick to the "picture a day" thing, but I do go out any time I can for "shutter therapy" (as Robin Wong calls it) as often as I can. I'm luck to live near some interesting natural areas so I get the dual benefits of "shutter therapy" and "nature therapy" at the same time.

This is also a good ways to stay photographically limber. Several recent projects have emerged from more casual photos made during these jaunts. It's the "hey, I could put a bunch like this together and make a project" phenomenon.

Another timely post Mike. May 1st is literally New year's day for me, as it's my birthday. So I always try out a new set of resolutions and many of them are health based. This year's list is long, but manageable. There are also photography and writing goals.

Does everybody in that line of work write/speak (?) like that?

I find corporate-speak a very good motivator for putting the material to one side and moving on; it makes me think of what life must be like living with one of those robots that are advertised on tv these days - tin or plastic creatures that switch on lights or something. Folks need that in their life?

I certainly believe that communication is vital for keeping alive an interest in, well, staying alive; making images is perhaps also quite helpful in that direction, but only if you know what you're doing and have a critical audience of one. Expecting the rest of the world to understand what you see in what you shoot is one hell of an expectation! Even further out is the supposition they may actually care. If you have hopes of engaging others in the deeper aspects of your little idiosyncrasies, visual expressions of emotion, intent or even the pure aesthetics of your work, best to forget it.

On a good day you will get an emoticon or even a +1, should somebody else leap in first with something nice to say.

All in all, I rather suspect that the digital world is perhaps more likely to offer another source of stress rather than of fresh, chest expanding and exhilarating motivation to fight the good fight, whatever that may be.

The photographic part may be relatively benign, that's really up to the guy with the camera, but the moment those images leave your private world, they can screw with your peace of mind, making you hope and expect amazing reactions that probably won't happen.

I don't think those kinds of emotional jolts can honestly be thought of as beneficial... but hey, I'm not a doctor who writes; I'm no kind of doctor at all, come to think of it.

And when you're checking in to your favorite blog, be sure to buy something through the links ... That will help a different kind of health for the blogger in question.

The best time to make health resolutions and commence applying them is neither 1 May nor 1 January but now.

The conclusions of this "study" may be valid. However, as one who spent a career having to present statistically valid (and defendable) data and conclusions, I can state with some assurance that 8 is not a large enough sample size. Never mind the selection process.

This bears repeating: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2015/09/a-plea-to-photography-teachers.html

What Ken Tanaka said.

There's good reasons Science, Nature, The Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, aka PNAS, etc., don't publish "anecdotal" papers.

Even in this era of disinformation-campaign-based "fake news".

It seems Niels Bohr had a good sense of humour. Another quote you might know, when he was asked what he thought about something not yet known: "It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future".

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