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Sunday, 13 May 2018


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I love your long-term plan, Michael Ferron. It's mine, too. Like you, I'm on my way. Bill

I saw you were reading a 1000+ pages of English history, complete with discussions of the Old Norse and its relation to (mostly) medieval English kings. When I find myself reading tomes of that class, I wonder what duty I am ignoring with such a tool of procrastination. I once delayed authorship of my part of a textbook for two whole months while I waded through both volumes of Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson. Just sayin'.

Congrats on the great progress you're making on your book! Receiving "news blips" from friends and fans is one way businessmen set smart goals. Successful people, such as yourself, consistently set goals to maintain success. These photographs are not only inspiration, but also very rewarding. Thank you for sharing!

It's all good, but I'm really thrilled to read a comment on audio. I really miss those and have been hoping for an Off Topic piece on such. I'd love to hear your thoughts about Tubes, Turntables, and Vinyl. I just picked up my renewed (long story) Pioneer SX 1250 yesterday and have been smiling since.

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