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Monday, 16 April 2018


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The only link I see is to one of Kost's youtube videos ...

I'm fairly sure that TOP is the photo blog equivalent of the Velvet Underground: I bet the readership is tiny compared to [insert big photo site here], but half of the readers have started bands.

I'm afraid that my style of photography doesn't fit the Adobe profiles.

Anyone who believes non destructive edits of a RAW image file somehow possess image longevity characteristics that can be preserved for generations let alone a few software updates are fooling themselves. At best we can only hope RAW image formats will still be machine readable and human editable in the future.

If you want to leave a guideline, a signature rendition if you will of the image reproduction qualities you personally endorse and which illustrates how you felt the image should be rendered, then make a print.

fyi or btw or to-avoid confusion (or repetition)

"We Hear from Adobe
We got comments from both Eric Chan and Thomas Knoll for the "If It Ain't Broke..." post by Carl Weese, and Eric provided some useful links. Check it out...."

The Eric Chan and Thomas Knoll comments are posted on the "If It Ain't Broke..." post by Carl Weese.

I would be among the first to admit our great debt to the Knoll Brothers for bringing us what still feels like the Magic of Photoshop, and also to Mr Chan and the team at Adobe.
But when users like Carl Weese find updates to be dislocating, and have to spend lots of time re-establishing a workflow that they worked hard to build and have come to trust , then someone is mis-managing continuity.
Adobe is not alone, we see it all the time as products we thought we knew change because of 'improvements'.

I fully realize that technology marches on, and all companies feel the pressure to develop 'new and improved' products, nor am I suggesting that the progress stop, I am simply suggesting that more effort be put into not disrupting workflows, or refrain from making change for change's sake.

I bought a new MacBookPro last month and spent a half hour trying to 'fix' it because it had no 'Startup chime'.
Long an indicator that the machine had reached a point in it's boot cycle, and a queue that all was going well---- It turns out that someone at Apple thought it would be an improvement if my computer was more like my phone.

That seems like change for change's sake

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