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Friday, 13 April 2018


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My experience with things put in "Legacy" categories suggests they hope people won't find it so they can dispense with it altogether in the next update.

And this is one fear I have with the Creative Cloud. My time is precious, and frequently spending time trying to reverse engineer what some 20-something software writer thought was my use case would invade that scarce commodity. My old version of CS6 might be obsolete, but so are most of my cameras, lenses, methods, and thought processes.

I can handle learning a new system about once every five years. My next major learning curve may well be for some product not made by Adobe. I think I'm going to start with ON1, since PhaseOne has blocked Pentax from Capture One. Sustainability is a problem in all aspects of photography right now.

This is why I like fixed versions of software. Sometimes things get broken. The constant update cycle I don't think we really need.
But apparently hackers and crackers are lurking to steal all our info, so we must constantly update.

I'm finding that I'm using Lightroom pretty much only for DAM and as a "plug-in portal" these days. For selects, all my sharpening for Fuji RAF files is done using Iridient Developer as a plug-in, and then often tweaking the image in Luminar Jupiter 2018 (also used as a plug-in). I find Luminar provides a level of control over making tweaks that is more comprehensive, yet simpler, easier and faster than using LR's tool panels.

Regarding B&W conversion, I'm pretty much only using Skylum's (makers of Luminar) Tonality CK with has lots of very nice preset that make selecting and tweaking B&W conversion a snap.

Once Skylum has added DAM to Luminar, Adobe is going to be looking over its shoulder; Luminar is coming and closing strong.

Rob, I think that the fact Adobe Standard B&W is there in the Legacy dropdown menu bodes well for them keeping profiles available even if they issue "improved" versions.

I make software for a living, and have for going on 30 years. What Adobe is doing is how it's done across the industry now. And it alienates users everywhere.

The other side, however, is that if a software package doesn't get tweaks, updates, and even redesigns -- it grows stale and can lose its market position.

I personally don't mind much the changes Adobe made in PS this time. What I don't like is that there was *zero* warning of the changes. I got the notice that a new version was available, I installed it, and then I had to re-learn a bunch of stuff just to do some quick processing of photos in the RAW editor. Grr. There needed to be some level of "here's what's new" documentation.

Changing software for no good reason while hiding controls is infuriating, and leaves me not knowing how to do what I previously easily accomplished. Companies want to make sales, but as a customer, I have the final vote. My response to companies disrespecting users in this way is to happily use 15-20 year old purchased software (no subscriptions!) on 10 year old hardware, which is all way more than good enough and also avoids lots of unneeded expense. (Old hardware still works great with added memory, solid state disks, and larger hard drives. If forced to upgrade operating systems for security reasons or because hardware has to be replaced, I'm likely to just keep using the same old software unchanged, but running in a virtual machine.)

Like Rob, I prefer the new version for B&W conversions. The old version's B&W was flat and lifeless, with poor midtone separation. The new one is much better, and requires far less use of the controls that increase contrast, like Clarity.

I made a video on how to use the new profiles for B&W conversions.


The inner circle of Hell should be reserved for the trolls that change stuff on software menus-
if you don't spend many hours/day on this kind of work, it is a colossal PITA to re-learn all their needless changes.
Adobe need to lay off half their programmers!
Then they won't have time to mess with us.

This is exactly why I stopped my subscription to Photoshop/Lightroom/Camera Raw. I am now forever stuck with PS CS6 but don't have to worry about any more interface/feature changes which were driving me crazy. I have DXO PhotoLab to do raw conversions for new cameras and can keep processing there or export to PS. Also have Adobe DNG converter as an option. I'm a much happier camper.

Two positive changes in these updates. One is that it puts the choice of camera profile up at the very top of all the basic adjustments in Lightroom, where it should always have been. Another is that (for my camera), the new Adobe Color is much better at reds, oranges and yellows than the previous Adobe Standard profile. Good enough that I may skip making my own camera profiles this time around—something I've never considered in the past.

The Adobe Standard profile delivered reds that veered a little towards magenta, at least for my cameras. Now, they render a satisfying, well saturated red where it's called for. Hong Kong taxis photographed in the sunlight appear close enough, at last, to the way I remember them. (I'm using a wide-gamut display, carefully calibrated and profiled!) I'm very pleased.

It is heartening to hear there are others out there who become satisfied with software, not comprehending the utility of "advances/features" bestowed upon us.

I remember, years ago, Microsoft Word used to have a "fit to one page" button allowing, in cases where your lines were a few too many, compression of a two page document so as to generate a one page document. I used it frequently. I recall expressing my disappointment at its elimination to a young IT person. He diplomatically explained that I was correct, and that this change was, indeed, a "feature" associated with the most recent Word update.........I felt very alone.

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