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Friday, 02 March 2018


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Take care then - Snow and cold is beatiful (Kirkenes, inn minus 28 celcius): https://www.eyeem.com/p/119560028 - but can be dangerous. Dont fall into this water (or get a tree in your head), please. :-)

We had 5-9 inches here in SE Michigan. 62,000 folks without power as of last night.

Really beautiful snowfall, though. If I wasn't so wiped after running the snowblower last night, I might have thought about making some images via the neighborhood street light.

Well, actually I did think about it, but I was able to talk myself out of it, and went to bed. 8-)

Here in Ireland we've had snow unlike any I've seen before and I have had my bus pass a long time now.Minor roads have been unpassable for two days and we're still unable to get cars out the drive due to 1m high drifts. From being delightful it has turned into a real p.i.t.a. Even our 3 year old grand daughter is fed up with it now.

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