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Friday, 02 March 2018


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Mike, when you floated the Pod Cast Idea I thought it might be nice if you had a side kick to banter with. Would be nice to listen to you guys going back & forth. Not sure if that’s what you have in mind .

You’ve often referred to the difficulties of searching your emails but don’t you use a rule and a Smart folder in Apple Mail? I use MailTags (from https://smallcubed.com) which is not free but worth every penny if your needs are more complex. If people don’t follow your instructions about setting the ‘Subject’ line then MailTags would solve that via a right click when you first see the mail.

I am looking forward to your review of the Sony A7III (hint, hint - be quick about it). I'm thinking of buying one.

If you need any help reviewing that a7III combo, I can send you my address! (I would even pay for shipping! ;) ). :)

Congrats on the B&H Sony test-spin. I've been fascinated by the elegant design and pixel-peeper performance (PPP) specs on these A7 series Sony's...I may become a mirror-less cheerleader yet.

Too many means...all. MHO

I'm really glad that you finally consider to uncover your thoughts about Sony a7/something, in this case mark III. Is there any chance that you additionally use some manuall focus lenses via adapter with it? This camera is made for this, isn't it?

My A7 iii will be here Wednesday. Looking forward to your thoughts about it and especially the lens. I debated for a week between the 55 1.8 and the 25 2.0 and went with the latter. Still might rent the former to try it out side by side.

If the submissions are really that good,
Why not make it a double bakers dozen?
It’s a little easier on you and your original 13 would still be intact
I did not submit but enjoy looking at good pictures.

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