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Tuesday, 13 February 2018


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We understand Mike - you've just been feeling a bit off colour.

Take care of yourself first, Mike. It's been a tough cold and flu season.

Interestingly I was going to make the same comment today. Thanks WW. BTW, When a big flu hits the United States, the tourists bring it to Mexico on their vacations. It seemed to hit Todos Santos Baja this week....My friends say it hits pretty hard. Sometimes at 71 years I take 2 naps (siestas) even feeling great !

Take rest, which the only way to get rid of this.

One of my favorite New Yorker cartoons is a dog laying on the analysts couch, "It's the naps I didn't take that I regret the most"

This year's viruses seem to be as tenacious as they are vicious. It was only in my umpteenth week of ups-and-downs and relapses that I realized that I could mitigate the fatigue and the general lousy feeling by consuming extra calories. So a reminder to anyone still suffering that part of the reason you're tired is that your body is working overtime dealing with these invaders. By all means get as much rest as possible, but if you feed your body's war-time economy you'll feel better and need less rest. Don't worry, you won't gain weight. Just cut back to normal when the emergency is over.

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