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Friday, 16 February 2018


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In the realm of photo books don’t forget the more modest Errata Editions which do some interesting and relatively affordable reprint/facsimiles,

I was in Newport Pagnell only this morning. The M1 motorway is very close, and some years ago Aston Martin regularly used it as a test track. I think they used it in the small hours, this being before the days of speed cameras.

Another great post, thanks for all the many years of memories.... The Egan book on Curtis is a great read. In the back chapter of that book, it mentions how an Indian art dealer in Santa Fe (Bob Kapoun) ended up buying most of the remaining unsold collection of the Curtis volumes. Every time I go to Santa Fe I go to his store (The Rainbow Man on E. Palace Ave, just east of the Palace of the Governors) just to look at all of the original Curtis prints for sale on the walls and in the portfolio room in the back of the store, where one can just flip through the stacks of Curtis prints (all of the time wishing that I had more fun tickets to bring some of the prints home with me). In fact, during one visit to that store, I was recommended to buy the Egan book, which I did. For those who might not know, the entire set of Curtis books, with the text and all of the prints, is online at http://curtis.library.northwestern.edu/curtis/toc.cgi

I should have added to my previous post, for those who need to do Curtis on the cheap, I recommend Don Gulbrandsen's "Edward S. Curtis, Visions of the First Americans" that provides nicely done reproductions of a selection of both Curtis' text and portfolio photos in a larger 10x14 inch volume; most photo are close to their original sizes. Also, the Taschen edition of "Edward S. Curtis, the North American Indian, The Complete Portfolios." While this volume has smaller photos, they are nicely reproduced. I have both, flip through them frequently, plus lend them to friends, and both are available from Amazon.

I think the original Curtis books sold with a folio of prints, or something similar.

There is a hotel near where I live that appears to have a half dozen of these up on their walls, and if they're not originals they are very very very good reproductions. Incredibly, the staff seem to be completely unaware of what these things are.

I find the whole thing baffling. I assume that, with high probability, these things are almost astronomically valuable, but since they were acquired and hung by some previous generation of ownership, or at any rate staffing, they're largely unknown. I assume that some day they're going to have a designer "refresh" the lobby, and they'll all go in a dumpster.

Slightly related ... back in the 1940s, the US of A Federal Government would pay people to learn to fly a B-17. These days, the Experimental Aircraft Association is auctioning off a B-17, Second in Command Type Rating for (starting bid) $14,000.

Of course you won't have to quit your current job and it's not likely that anyone will be shooting at you when you complete the course.

"the hardest-working photographer in history". What about Vittorio Sella?

[And August Sander was no slouch. Neither, for that matter, is Q.T. Luong. Lots of photographers were *very* hard workers, that's for sure. --Mike]

Linking over to the Jay Leno videos fills me with relief that I can watch such wonderful cars in action for free and only pull out my wallet to buy cameras and lenses. But does anybody know -- how does he drive them on public roads, especially with a camera truck close enough to shoot the video flybys and pick up the radio link to the lavaliere mike? A link to a "Making of" Leno's Garage would be greatly appreciated.

I saw an exhibition of the entire Curtis print collection at the Muskegon Museum of Art in August, 2017. Several audio recordings were included. Breathtaking.

I believe the exhibition was not scheduled to tour.

The entire original is available, virtually, here (can't smell the leather):


A couple of Non-Curtis observations if I may.
In the event I win the Powerball I will have to pass on an XKSS continuation but a Beck 904 would fit into my garage very nicely.
A couple of weeks ago I was in the Nebraska Furniture Mart. It is perhaps the smartest brick and mortar retailer in the country. I was looking for a bid on tiling my basement floor but also had time to look at a D750, a 65" Sony and audition a pair of Andrew Jones/Pioneer tower speakers.
On my way through the audio department I was tickled to see that they now stock turntables and high end LPs. I counted 9 different legit turntables. Warren Buffett owns this store and they don't stock items unless they think they will cash flow. Promising news for vinyl lovers.
Finally a prediction. If virgin vinyl remasters are making money the next logical step has to be a return to direct to disc recordings. I have a few and they really are special. Of course you need musicians that can play an entire side in one take and that may be a little bit too old school for today's crowd but if the LA 4 or T. Misago and His Tokyo Cuban Boys can do it...
Happy weekend all.

Mike Plews,

W.r.t. direct-to-disc, it's already back:


Here's Youtube video of them cutting a record in 2017:

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