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Thursday, 15 February 2018


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A wonderful short film on one of America’s most iconic, and one of my personal favorite, artists. Yes indeed this painting of the Marshall House is a slice out of Hopper’s prime period.

Applause, applause Bob!

Love watching this—thank you, Bob and Mike. Hopper's studies in urban solitude and anonymity appeal to me, as they do to many photographers, but this is a much needed reminder me of Hopper's other side. There's much to think admire and think about.

Lovely, lovely film. Thank you so much.

Just curious. Who "took" the photo that appears at the
4:10 mark in the video?

Congratulations to Mr. Burnett and a big thank you to him
and to T.O.P. for the opportunity to view this work. For me
one of the most telling lines in the video, and I'm paraphrasing, after putting paint on canvas, Hopper felt that "What he was able to achieve was so much less than what he could see". How many of us have felt that way in the world of photography and the visual
arts, results never meeting expectations, point of view never matching our emotional response to the scene.

[That's called "Edward Hopper and Jo" by Arnold Newman, 1960, according to the ICP. —Mike]

This work is just so right in so many ways — a gem!

Thinking that the video was essentially finished, I sat through the credits as I do for every film, out of respect for the creators … and up popped the portraits of the people whose voices overlay the visuals. What a brilliant set of photographic portraits — I would love to spend an afternoon in the company of any one of those wonderfully attractive individuals.

Bravo and thank you, Bob Burnett!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful little film!

Just Wonderful, Thank's to you & to Mr Burnett.
I so loved Hopper's sentiment that 'what you get is always less than you saw'
Anyone who has tried to capture the light in places where Land and sea and sky meet, knows that to be true.

Thanks again

What a wonderful video. It was really kind of Mr. Burnett to let you preview it here Mike.

Wow, we are a lucky bunch to have gotten first crack at this. Hopper is such an inspiration to all artists, and especially photographers. Well done, bravo, thank you Mr. Burnett.

Thank you,that was great. In just seven minutes your video says so much about art, living, and a sense of home. The photography/cinematography is gorgeous too,as evocative as Hopper's painting.

Very nice work. It was a joy to watch.

A favorite American artist of mine also - thank you, Bob, for saving the history of this house and the wonder of Hopper’s work for all!

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